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Did I just say that I loved Amelia? She fell asleep as soon as I said it. I was panicking, what was she going to think?

I watched her peaceful face, she looked beautiful while she slept. Like an angel, It was peaceful to watch her. 

The peace was quickly ruined when I heard the bedroom door knock, I let out a small groan. I moved slowly making sure not to wake Amelia up. I walked towards the door and opened it to reveal, Luke and Enzo.

"what the fuck do you want?" I spoke quietly, "First of all, Why are you speaking like that?" Luke asked, I rolled my eyes. "Amelia is asleep." I replied, he nodded in understanding

"now what do you want?" I asked, Enzo rolled his eyes at my tone. "Your not going to like this but, Daniel smith has sent you a invite to the ball." Enzo said.

Daniel was one of my old business partners, we had helped each other out a lot. one day he betrayed me and I stopped all contact with him. He has a lot of party's and ball's a year, I have not been invited to one for about 4 years.

"what? Why?" I asked, The anger was building inside of me. "No idea, are you going to go?" Luke replied. I sighed and nodded, I had to see what he wants. 

"alright, are you going to take Amelia?" Enzo asked me, "I'll ask. You guys are coming as well though" I said. There was no way in hell I was going to suffer through this alone, they nodded. "okay, anything else?" I said.

"yep, Rebecca wants her job back." Luke said, I nearly punched the wall beside me.

"why?" I asked, "She said, she has learnt from her mistakes and would like you to give her another chance." Luke said, I groaned and threw my head back. Rebecca was a cleaner, But she had went through my office and I fired her. she was lucky I didn't throw her in the basement. 

Luckily, I was feeling nice today. "tell her to call me." I said, Luke nodded his head. "when is the ball?" I asked, "Its tomorrow night at 8pm." Luke said. I nodded

"Get back to Amelia" Luke said, I nodded my head and mumbled a quick 'thank you' to him and shut the door. I sighed and walked back over to the bed. Amelia looked like she was starting to wake up now.

"Dylan?" she mumbled, "yea, My love? I'm here" I said softly and sat down on the bed. It was around 7pm.

Her phone went off, showing she had a new message. She did not look bothered by it though. I reached over and grabbed her phone and gave it to her. I trusted her enough to not call the police, we had built a relationship. 

I may have done some shitty things like kidnap her and keep her in a basement and stalked her.. but we had become a couple after all of that. I didn't trust her enough to use it alone without anybody in the room, I had agreed she could leave the house in 2 weeks. I was going to let her see her friends for a bit.

Was it Obessive?


Do i care?

Not really.

She is mine and mine only.

I lifted her up and onto my lap, I needed her closer to me. She still looked pretty tired but she cuddled up into my lap and unlocked her phone to check the message. 

She kept it in a position so I could see the messages, I did not know if that was on purpose on accident. I didn't really care to read her messages, It was more phone calls I was worried about, And social medias.

I had deleted most of her social medias for now, She can download them again later in time. It seems like she just went missing right now, If Amelia agreed to come with me tomorrow there would be those annoying news people everywhere around the ball so.. If she came with me then our relationship would be exposed, It could be a good thing and a bad thing.

I looked down at her phone to see what the message said It seemed to be a groupchat

 I just like getting in peoples business. 

CASSIE: You alive?


LUNA: what are you doing?

AMELIA: nothing much, you?

CASSIE: watching netflix

LUNA: same

CASSIE: how's your boyfrienddd?

AMELIA: fuck off

LUNA: tell us, i will hunt your ass down and pin you to the floor if you dont tell us right now

AMELIA: okay, jesus. He's good, I am actually sitting in his lap right now. 

CASSIE: oh fuck you, i'm single.

LUNA: for real, fuck you. i'm going to take a nap

CASSIE: same.

I held back a laugh, Her friends were weird. They made her happy though so I was happy about that. 

"Baby" I said to her, She looked up at me. "There's a ball tomorrow, do you want to come with me?" I asked gently. She thought about it for a moment, "I have nothing to wear." She said

"That's fine, My love. I will get Enzo to go out and get something for you" I said, She looked hesitant but nodded anyways. I smiled and kissed her forehead.

"you hungry?" I asked, She shook her head. 

I frowned, "Love, You haven't eaten for a while. You need to eat, What if I cook you something?" I suggested, She sighed and nodded. "Grilled cheese?" I asked, "wait, the really good grilled cheese?" She asked. I nodded

"yes, please" She mumbled, I chuckled at her and nodded my head. I put her on the bed and went downstairs to make her some food.



i went to the gym yesterday now my legs hurt



word count is: 982

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