Will you?

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a couple hours later-

"what the fuck are we doing, Dylan?" I asked, There was a blindfold around my head. 

I could feel Dylan's hands on me, he was leading me somewhere. He wouldn't tell me where, It was making me nervous and excited.

"Calm down, my love." He said, I rolled my eyes through the blindfold. 

We stopped walking and stood still. He removed the blindfold from my head, I opened my eyes and started to adjust to the brightness. 

I looked around, There was trees over us, Candles were lit along the path. At the top of the path, There was roses. 

it was.. beautiful. 

"I-" I had no words to speak, "It's beautiful, Dylan." I managed to say. He kissed my cheek and took my hand again.

We walked along the path, I was wearing a black dress. He had given me it, Luke and Enzo drove me to Dylan's work place about 30 minutes ago. 

We were at the top of the path, Blossom trees formed like a Arch. He stood across from me and we stared at each other for a minute.

"Amelia Miller, My girl. When I met you, I was so angry. I wanted to hurt you..

Then, after a couple weeks. I realised that, I was starting to like you.. It was confusing. Luke convinced me to ask you to be mine. Believe it or not, I was scared. 

when you said yes, I was so happy. I'm not one for emotions but.. you brought me happiness. I love you." He finished. 

Tears pricked my eyes, He said he loved me.. "Dylan, I love you to." I said with a smile, Tears rolled down my cheek in happiness. 

He kissed my forehead, He grabbed one of my hands and placed a kiss on my wrist. 

Dylan knelt down and got on.. one knee.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small black box, I was in shock. He opened the box to reveal a beautiful diamond ring. 

"Amelia Miller, Will you marry me?" He asked. 

I think I stopped breathing for a minute, tears were rolling down my cheeks. "yes." I said quickly nodding my head. He smiled, I had a hand over my mouth. 

He grabbed my hand and took my ring finger and gently put the ring on my finger. I looked at the ring, It was beautiful..

Dylan stood up, We were looking at each other again. he kissed me again, I wrapped my hands around his neck. "I love you, Amelia." He said, "I love you to, Dylan." I replied. He smiled against my lips.


I bent his leg in the other way, I smiled when I heard it crack.

He screamed in pain. 

Dylan sent me to another backstabber in the company, Luke was dealing with another one right now. We dropped Amelia off with Dylan a while ago, He refused to tell us what he planned.

"Please!" The man screamed for mercy. "You tried to steal drugs from our company, You also tried to take 10million from all of our bank accounts." I said as I twisted his arm.

His face scrunched up in pain as I twisted it more, "Please! I'm sorry, I have a family." He begged. 

I let go of his arm.

I went to the other side of the room and grabbed a chair, I placed the chair in front of his chair. He was tied to it, "So, You have a family?" I asked. A smirk coming onto my face as I thought about what I planned to do.

He nodded, Fear in his eyes. 

"Kids?" I asked as I picked up the sharpest knife from the tray. He nodded again, "Hm. What are their names?" I asked as I twirled the knife around my fingers. 

"L-Lexi and k-Kyle." He stuttered out, Pathetic. 

I smirked again, "Your wife?" I asked. "H-her name is Ariana" He said. His eyes stayed on the knife dancing between my fingers.

Playing with knives had always been fun to me, I learnt how to do tricks with them 5 years ago. It was always something I loved doing. 

"Tell me why you decided to try and steal from us?" I said, He gulped. "W-We needed the money." He lied, I could tell he lied.

"Tell me, what for?" I asked. 

He went quiet again.

"W-We needed to pay off somethings." He said, I chuckled. "You get paid over a thousand dollars an hour." I said. He went silent again. 

I pulled his phone out of his pocket, "What are you doing?" He asked. Fear in his tone again, It just made me smile.

I scrolled through his contacts until I saw 'Ariana'. I clicked the call button, She picked up. 

"Hello?" Her soft voice came through the phone, I chuckled again. "Hello." I said, "wait.. Who are you?" She asked.

"I'm Enzo. I currently have your.. husband tied to a chair." I said bluntly as I walked in circles around him. 

"What? No, please dont kill him! His kids need him." She tried to convince me, I just clicked my tounge.

"Tsk.. Well, Sadly. It's to late." I said as I pulled my gun out of my waistband and shot him in the head. Blood splattered all over the wall. 

I hung up his phone and threw it on the floor, Making sure to step on it on the way out.

Sometimes this job is fun.


okay well, i have ideas for the next chapter



okay im gonna go sleep now


love yall

word count: 920

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