My girlfriend.

189 4 3


I could never be to mad at Amelia, Especially while she was sleeping. She was sleeping in my bed, curled up in a ball. 

Her blonde hair covering her face, She looked peaceful while she was sleeping. I knew she was going to have a huge hangover due to how much she drank last night.

I wanted her to go out and have fun and shit, I didn't expect her to do this shit the first time but It is what it is.

"Dylan?" Her angelic voice spoke, "yeah?" I asked softly. She groaned as she moved, I smirked. "You okay?" I asked, I knew she wasn't.

"Dylan." She said, I hummed in reply. "Do I look and sound okay to you?" She asked as she got up from the bed and sat up. I laughed at her reply, "Maybe don't get drunk then, My love." I said. I walked over to her and pressed a kiss on her forehead.

"I have a headache" She complained, "mm.. Okay." i said. 

She looked put her head on my lower stomach and shut her eyes, I chuckled. "Do you want some food, baby?" I asked. She nodded her head and mumbled a 'please'. "I'll tell Luke to make u a grilled cheese" I suggested, She once again nodded.

"Are you mad at me?" She said, It was muffled. "Mm.. Just a little bit, baby. I Want you to have fun, I just did not expect it to happen on the first time you went out. You should have paid attention to the time as well, Anything could have happened to you on the walk home. That's why I wanted you to walk home in the day light, but.. I'll let u off."

"This time." I said

I knelt down so we were face to face, I kissed her. She moaned into my mouth, I smiled against her lips. The door suddenly opened.

"Oh my fucking god, Ew!" Enzo screamed. "I think I'm going to throw up!" Luke yelled, "Dramatic bitches." I mumbled and stood up again. 

"I just saw porn!" Luke said as he kept his hand over his eyes, Enzo did the same. Amelia dug her face in the pillow, Probably embarrassed. 

I took the sandwich from Luke's hand and placed it on the nightstand, "Please tell me the tongues are away!" Enzo said as he slowly removed his hand from his eyes. I rolled my eyes again at their dramatic asses 

"I'm leaving before I get traumatised again." Luke said and grabbed Enzo by his collar and pulled him out of the room with him. 

"How did I become friends with them?" I asked myself, Amelia lifted herself from the pillow. Her cheeks were red, I smiled as I saw her little shy face. I passed her the sandwich, "Eat. I'm going to shower, When I come back I want that whole sandwich eaten." I said sternly.

She nodded her head, I smirked and went into the bathroom to shower.

I finished showering and came back out, Amelia had eaten the whole grilled cheese. I was proud of her, I smiled and walked over to her. I was still dressed in a towel, The towel hung around my lower waist.

Amelia looked at me, Hunger in her eyes. I smirked again, She was looking at my abs. I kissed her lips and walked into the closet to get dressed, I knew she was disappointed from the small whine I heard her let out when I walked away.

I changed into black sweatpants and a White shirt, I didn't wear much else apart from this.

I don't have the best style, I don't really care how I look. All I wear is sweatpants and suits. It doesn't really matter for me, I wanted to look good for Amelia though. My girlfriend.

I walked back into the room, "Can we watch something?" she asked when she saw me, I smiled and nodded. I sat down next to her, She pulled me by my hand so she could lay on my chest. I chuckled, I turned on the tv.

"What do you want to watch?" I asked, "Kissing booth 3" She said. I had watched kissing both before, I haven't watched the third one though. I searched kissing booth 3 up and clicked on it.

While Amelia was in deep focus on the film, I started to text Luke and Enzo.


ME: I think I love Amelia.

LUKE THE DICKHEAD: Damn, Dylan. I thought you weren't the love guy

ENZO THE ASSHOLE: I'm still traumatised from that porn I walked in on.

ME: Get over it, Asshole. Help me, How am I suppose to tell her.

LUKE THE DICKHEAD: Just tell her, Dickhead. 

ENZO THE ASSHOLE: Say something like, "Amelia, Even though I kidnapped you and I planned to hold you hostage for your whole life.. I ended up falling in love with you. I love you." 

ME: You fucks are not helpful, I cannot wait till you bitches fall in love and you have this same issue.

LUKE THE DICKHEAD: That will never happen. 

ENZO THE ASSHOLE: Is Amelia's friends hot?

ME: Fuck yourself, I'll figure this shit out myself. I thought best-friend's were suppose to be helpful.

LUKE THE DICKHEAD: wait, How many friends does Amelia have?

I rolled my eyes and put the phone down



I put my phone on silent, I continued to think about it.

Should I just tell her, Should I take her on a date? Maybe I'll take her on a date.. Tomorrow night, I can take her to a nice place and admit I love her. 

I'm in love.. Something I never thought would happen. I was suppose to be emotionless, I was suppose to not feel. Yet, Here I am sitting here with my girlfriend on my lap watching films with her. I would kill someone just to make her happy.

I am indeed in love.

I wonder if Luke and Enzo are gay?






word count: 1013

EDIT: we are ignoring how I said cookie and gave u a brownie okay, be happy with the brownie-

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