First job.. and regrets

632 11 1

I woke up and groaned, What time was it? I quickly grabbed my phone and saw the time was.. 11:30!? I have 30 minutes to get ready!

 "Lia!" Cassie screamed, Lia is my nickname to them It was kind of stupid but whatever. "Are u ready?" She walked in she froze "you have 25 minutes, move it!" she said as she walked out.. damn shes bossy.

I quickly took a shower The most fastest shower of my whole life, Who knew I could shower that quick? Anyways I quickly put a black skirt and a white blouse and brushed my blonde curls to the front of me, I looked like a corpse so I got some foundation and blended it under my eyes I quickly grabbed my mascara and added some on along with some sneaky eyeliner on my eyelid and undereye.. I looked more alive now! I added lip gloss to make it perfection I quickly grabbed my boots and shoved them in and grabbed my phone and ran out of my room and downstairs

Cassie was ready and waiting for me "come on!" she rushed me.. Calm down girl I thought as I opened her car door. 

We arrived at the club at perfect timing! The manager was waiting for us "Girls! nice to see you" she smiled, "Okay! So cassie can you teach Amelia everything? It shouldn't be to busy until around 3pm" She said "yup! come on Amelia" Cassie said. 

Cassie taught me how to work the drink machine thingys.. And where all the cups were and how to make most of the drinks that took 3 hours.. It was starting to get busy now I was getting nervous because I had to start serving people.

"hey, can I get vodka and coke?" a man asked me "Of course, That'll be 2.50 Cash or card?" I asked with a smile "um, Card please" he said smiling back I got the card machine ready for him, I made him his drink He thanked me and walked away.

The bar was now full of people It was only 3:40pm! God.. Anyways i had to serve another person, I hate people and social interaction!

"Hello, what can i get for you?" I asked the woman in a red dress "um, Can i get a whiskey?" she asked "yup!, Cash or card?" I asked She paused for a minute "card please.. sorry i was thinking to myself if i had another on my card or not!" she laughed, I chuckled as i got the card machine ready.

I was serving another person when somebody shouted

 "hey pretty girl"

 I turned round and realised it was that guy from the club.. and the guy who showed up at my door, His name was Dylan i think..

"o-oh u-um hello" I said I gave a smile to the person i was serving, Dylan looked at me and smirked he walked away.. What the hell? I asked myself I was starting to get creeped out by him even more! I realised i didn't have time to wonder about him right now Little did i know i should have worried about it. It was now the end of my shift.. It was actually alright!

 I enjoyed working at the bar I was in the changing rooms Nobody was in there expect for me

Cassie left an hour ago as she went to visit her mum for the night I was looking on Instagram for a minute to catch up on some things I heard footsteps behind me..

One sets of footsteps

two sets of footsteps

three sets of footsteps

 turned round and saw..



And another man he had brunette hair.. he kinda looks like the person that.. Oh my god! he was the one standing outside the café 

Panic filled me I quickly got up as they started walking over to me in sync.. I looked around for any escape route but there was nothing they were all blocking the escapes, Enzo pulled a cloth out of his pocket and held out a hand, The man with the brunette hair passed him a bottle and While I was distracted with what they were doing.. I felt hands around my waist Holding me in place Enzo came forward and put the cloth against my nose and mouth, I refused to breathe it in 

"don't be so stubborn, Breathe" The man with the brunette hair said, I couldn't do it anymore I needed to breathe.

I inhaled the chemicals and my vision was filled with black dots, I fell into darkness The last thing I felt was somebody picking me up.


was i planning on making her get kidnapped so early into the book?


did i do it anyways?


yk it means the love story comes closer and it'll be longer.

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