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It has been 4 days since the therapist.

I hated that therapist. 

She kept looking at my boyfriend, I wanted to strangle her.

What am I saying? I'm not a person to be violent. Perhaps Dylan was rubbing off on me, He always said stuff like 'I'm going to fucking strangle that bitch'.

I had not seen Dylan in 4 days, A lot happened in those 4 days. I felt like shit, I had no motivation. I felt like I wanted to punch a wall, I wanted to scream.

I felt a lot of emotions, It can't be my period. 

I needed to get out of the house, Without Dylan. I groaned and got up, I went to my closet and shoved a hoodie. 

I walked out of my room and went to Dylan's office, I could not give a flying fuck he was working. I'm his girlfriend, I have a automatic pass to do that. 

I twisted the door knob and then kicked it open, Just to be dramatic. Dylan quickly looked up from his paper as soon as he heard the door slam, His eyes relaxed a bit more when he saw it was only me.

My hair was in a messy bun, I was in a fucking hoodie and shorts. I looked a mess, but Dylan has seen me worse. "What's up?" He asked.

Dylan had been helping with my anxiety a lot, The medication was only suppose to be taken on days where I felt really anxious as the medication is 'addicting' or something, I didn't really pay attention.

"I'm bored." I started with, Dylan had not been happy with me recently. According to him I had to much Sarcasm. 

You can never have to much Sarcasm. 

Dylan looked up as soon as I said that, "what do you want to do?" He asked me with suspicion in his tone. 

I got nervous but tried to remember that Dylan wouldn't hurt me, "I wanna go out" I said. 

He sighed, "fine." He muttered, I was shocked. He is letting me leave the house? "wait, really?" I asked. He nodded, "I want you back before it gets dark. It's to dangerous for you to be out at night, alone." He said.

"hold on, Hold on. Dylan king.. Being reasonable?" I asked, I was still shocked. 

"hey. I will change my mind." He warned, I nodded. I knew he would change his mind if I kept saying shit like that.

I had gotten Dylan to soften up, Yet he made a couple rules. It made me want to smother him in his sleep. The rules were,

Eat at least twice a day, Actual meals.

Don't leave the house without texting me or telling someone or leave a note or something

if you go out alone, fucking message me if your in danger. Or message Enzo or Luke.

I can't complain, Technically he's still my kidnapper. My brain is still getting use to the fact my boyfriend kidnapped me because my family decided to kill someone in his family or something.

"have fun, my love. Remember to message me if something happens, Don't do anything stupid. Okay?" He said, "yes. I'll be as safe as I can." I said with a small grin.

He sighed and shook his head, I could see the small smile on his face. "come here" he said, I walked over to him. He pulled me on his lap

"Be fucking safe, Amelia. I do not want you being taken from me again, Even worse. I don't want you being taken for longer than last time. Your mine, Only mine." He said

I felt heat rush to my face, Is it hot in here? "O-okay" I said, He smirked and brushed in thumb over my cheek. 

"Go and put some pants on, you are not fucking leaving the house in those shorts." He said, I nodded my head. He kissed my forehead and helped me up, "Do not forget your phone." He called out as I left his office.

I shut the door behind me, I ran to my bedroom to change. I put some blue ripped jeans on and kept the hoodie. 

I grabbed my phone and messaged Luna.

You free?

LUNA: Yup, Why?

Can we hang out?

LUNA: Your back from ur vacation with your boyfriend? 

oh shit, they still think I'm on vacation with Dylan. I forgot about that.

Yep, Got back a hour ago. So is that a yes?

LUNA: of course it fucking is a yes, Cassie is here to

okay, I'll meet you at your house?

LUNA: yup!

I smiled and put my shoes on, It was 2pm right now.. It got dark at around 6pm. I had 4 hours, Good enough for me!

I messaged Dylan to let him know that I left. I walked down the street, I was using fucking google maps. This fucker lived in a weird area, Probably so he could kidnap people actually.

I finally made it to the area I actually knew, I was a hundred percent fired from my job. I am not even going to ask about that job.

I walked to Luna's house, I finally made it. My legs were fucking tired, I knocked on her door. Within seconds the door opened, Cassie hugged me so tight I could not breathe.

"you are never leaving without telling us!" She scolded. "okay, okay! I said I was sorry." I said, She smiled again after that, Luna pulled me into a hug next. "Fucking hell, I missed you!" She said. 

They both pulled me inside and pulled out vodka. Well, I can already see how these 4 hours are going to go. 

How would Dylan react if I showed up drunk? well, Only one way to find out!

"do you have any redbull?" I asked Luna, Her eyes lit up. She nodded and ran to the kitchen and grabbed some redbull. 

We all tipped the redbull into a cup and added vodka. "Okay! Tell me everything I have missed in the past however long it's been!" I said after I took a sip from the glass.

Cassie and Luna both looked at each other then smiled.

"okay so, You know Charlie's girlfriend?" Luna started, I nodded my head. Charlie was Cassie's friend. She didn't really like him but he was quite nice.

"His girlfriend was cheating on him with his mum!" Luna said.

My eyes widened, His mum?







i got a headache as well




word count: 1059

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