My girl

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I was in shock to what Amelia had just said.

She thought she was clingy, she thought that I had other relationships?

Amelia's eyes looked broken.

"Love, I have no other relationships apart from you. You are my only girl, Okay?" I said as I took her small shaky hands into mine.

"I was not mad at you, I was just frustrated because of Veronica. She was never my girlfriend and never will be. You are mine and only mine." I said

"You are not clingy, I know you can't control your anxiety. I am here for you, okay? Luke and Enzo are also here for you. You will never be clingy, Of course at some points in our relationship I'll be mad at you and You'll be mad at me, But we can work past that."

"You are my baby" I said as I kissed her, "Okay?" I said as I pulled away from the kiss for a second so she could reply. She nodded her head, I wiped her tears away from her beautiful eyes.

I could see how tired she was even though she has just woken up, "Baby. Get some rest, okay?" I said. She once again nodded, I kissed her forehead as she fell asleep.

My phone started to vibrate, I let out a sigh and picked up my phone.

Luke: Our men found Samuel, He is in the basement.

I smiled, Samuel was at the ball last night. I overheard them talking about taking Amelia today and giving her to some other guy.

I left the bedroom and went to the basement. I saw Enzo waiting there for me, "Finally" He said. I hit his arm. He gave me a death stare.

"Hurry up" I said, I started walking towards the room He was in.

I walked in, The smell of blood filled my senses. I saw Samuel tied up on a chair, He had bruises all over him.

"Dylan! What the fuck are you doing?" Samuel said, "I overheard you talking about my girl." I said, His eyes filled with fear.

"w-what do you mean?" He said, He was trying to get out of the ropes. He thought I was fucking blind, He had a knife in his hands. I looked at Enzo, He caught up on it and grabbed the knife from Samuel's hand.

"Let me refresh your memory, I believe you said.. 'I'm going to take Dylan's girl he came with later tonight and use her for granted. I'm going to make so much cash from her!' I said.

"N-no, I never done that!" He tried to defend himself, His eyes had said to much though.

"Samuel, Your going to die either way. I like knowing the truth of things before I kill people though, If you admit you said it and would have done it if I did not kidnap you.. I'll put a bullet through your head right now and your pain will last for about one second before you die-.

"If you don't admit it.. Enzo will torture you for hours until you finally admit it. It's your choice here Samuel." I said, He looked so scared it was funny.

he stayed quiet, I looked at him and smirked. "5 seconds" I said, he looked at me in the eye.

i didn't have time to wait 5 seconds, I want to get back to my girl. "finish him, Enzo." I said and walked out of the room.

I could hear Samuel yelling for me but the yelling followed by his screams. 

I went back upstairs and went straight to my bedroom where Amelia was, she was embracing herself while looking up at the ceiling. 

"love, are you okay?" I asked, she looked.. I don't know. like she was broken, completely.
she nodded, I walked over to her and picked her up, I sat her on my lap and I pulled the blankets over her legs. 

"Talk to me." I said softly in her ear, her precious eyes filled with tears. 

"my love, tell me what's wrong. What happened?" I asked gently, "I-I feel numb" she muttered.
"can you tell me why you feel numb? or do you just feel numb for no reason?" I asked, I still remember what the email said about Amelia. I don't want my baby going through depression, I won't let that happen. 

"I-I had a nightmare" she said quietly, I put my arm around her and started to play with her hair, "what was it about?" I asked softly. 

I had a feeling what it could be about.

"m-my dad" she muttered snd dug her head into my chest. i kissed her head, "it's okay. I'm here" I comforted her. 

I want to know what it was about but I decided I would wait until tomorrow to ask her, i hugged her tighter.

"I-I'm scared" she said, "it's okay, your safe. i won't let anyone else hurt you okay? Never." I said, I was going to protect her until I fucking died. 

"how about we watch a film?" I suggested, she nodded her head. I smiled and turned on the tv, "what do you want to watch?" I asked Amelia. "frozen" she said, I chuckled and nodded. I put frozen on, she snuggled up to me for comfort.

i think I actually love Amelia.. she was suppose to be my hostage not someone I want to marry. Did i want to marry her? Fuck of course I do.

i looked down in my lap and Amelia was already asleep, I think the panic attack made her really tired. I was worried about her, I didn't want her to feel like this. 

maybe I should try and get her into a therapist? I don't know if she would agree to that. She doesn't like people, maybe if I agreed to be in the room with her it would be okay?
I'll just ask her about it when she wakes up..
I wrote this on my iPad
word count: 1015

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