New beginnings

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Me and Amelia were now married, She was my wife. I was her husband, I could never be more happier.

The night she was spiked at the club, Enzo had found out who spiked her and he brought him to the basement. Turned out he worked for the polish, we still have him in our basement.

He is half alive. 

Amelia does not know, She thinks we just gave him a warning. 

Our wedding was beautiful, I was so proud of her for planning it all.


Me, Cassie and Luna were sitting downstairs. Dylan let me invite them round whenever I wanted, "I can't believe your actually married!" Cassie squealed. 

She was like a proud mother.

"I know! It feels like just yesterday you were crying over the fact you were a single little potato." Luna said. 

I glared at her, "I never said that." I rolled my eyes. "Mhm, Whatever you say. Where is your husband anyways?" Luna said.

"He is.. good point." I said as I realised I hadn't seen him in a while. 

"Dylan!" I screamed, "What the hell-" Cassie started until footsteps came out of nowhere. "Fucking hell, are you okay? what happened?" Dylan asked, He looked to be worried. 

I couldn't stop staring at his suit.. his perfect muscular body. "nothing, I missed you." I said, Dylan rolled his eyes. "Don't ever give me a heart attack like that again, but I missed you to love." He said.

His Italian accent showing when he said 'love' made me want to do unholy things. 

I got up and grabbed his big hand and forced him to sit down next to me, Though Dylan obviously hated the fact he was next to me. 

He grabbed my waist and pulled me onto his lap, His hands around me overprotectively. 

That was when I realised Cassie and Luna were staring at us, "Where's Enzo and Luke?" I asked Dylan. 

"Upstairs, They will probably be downstairs to cause chaos in about 5 minutes." He said, I nodded. 

"Dylan-" I started, "no." He immediantly said. 

"You don't even know what I'm going to ask!" I defended, I could hear Luna and Cassie laughing. 

"mm, I have a feeling whatever your going to ask is going to be a straight up 'no', but go ahead love." He said as he kissed my nose.

"Can I have some vodka ple-" I couldn't even finish talking, "no." He said again. "Why not?" I asked him in an annoyed voice.

"do you remember what happened last time, love?" He whispered. 

My cheeks heated up, I nodded. "Exactly." He said, "What the fuck happened last time?" Cassie muttered.

"Amelia begged to suck-" I quickly threw my hand over his mouth, "Amelia!" Cassie said with laughter. 

"Oh my lord." Luna said starting to laugh as well, "please.. just a bit?" I asked Dylan once more. 

Dylan chuckled, "Fine. Only a little, go and get the 4 bottles from the kitchen." He said, I smiled and kissed him and quickly got off him. 

I walked to the kitchen and grabbed the bottles. 

-10 minutes later-

I'm not going to lie, I'm a bit tipsy. Enzo and Luke had joined us now, Cassie was talking to Luke a lot. They would be a cute couple.

I was still sitting on Dylan's lap, His hands were on my uncovered thighs. I was only wearing his shirt and shorts. 

I looked around the room, Watching my friends. Feeling the touch of my husband, I released a breathe as I realised I was safe here. 

I can move on from my past here, I have a new family now. It's all going to be okay.

I leaned my head back into Dylan's chest, "You okay, baby?" He whispered in my ear. I nodded my head, He moved his hands so they were now wrapped around my waist. 

He pressed kisses all over my face and neck.

I did feel quite overwhelmed as I realised the future exists to, There is going to be so many things in our future. It was scary but exciting, I did wonder what Dylan thought of it all.

I'm safe here, with my new family. My husband, My everything. 

I'm officaly leaving the past behind me, I smiled as Dylan kissed my forehead.


okaywell uh thats the final chapter


this whole book is rushed but.. whatever ;)

I might do bonus chapters with the honey moon and wedding day but not sure yet, and it may take a while for it to come out

i do have a bonus chapter ready though so that will be out soon

thank you all so much for reading this book, I do have other books that are ongoing so if anybody wants to check them out as well, I will be starting to work more on them now as I have finished this book!

I love you all! 


word count: 818

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