Knock knock..

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I woke up the next morning, ugh its so bright outside.

I got up and I looked out the window to see a black Mercedes.

That's weird as I don't exactly live in a place. I decided to brush it off and go take a shower, It was parked right below my window though.

I got out the shower and the car was still there. That's when I saw that guy from last night and some other person in the car, oh my god.

I started to panic, That's when one of them pointed at me.. oh god! I screamed inside of my mind as I quickly ducked down not that it helped as they saw me already

I heard a car door slam I slowly came back up to realise.. Their walking into the building!

I suddenly heard a knock on my door.. im gonna die! no, Im not gonna open the door.. yes that'll work I told myself but then they banged louder

"sweetheart, Your gonna want to open this door before Dylan kicks it down" I heard a voice say

I panicked even more but I don't really want my door broken down so I slowly made my way to the door and unlocked it..

I saw 2 tall men in suits, One had brunette hair and one had black hair. "hello dear" the one with the black hair said.. he was the one I saw last night in the club! I realised

"um, hello" I said trying not to show my panic

"I just wanted to warn you to watch your back..Amelia" He said with a small smile

"um.. okay" I said I was so confused! Who are these men? They both turned around but I was to curious..

"Hey! wait, whats your names?" I yelled, They both turned round.

"Dylan." The one with the black hair said

"Enzo, love" The one with the brunette hair said

I nodded my head as they left. I spent all day searching for something on them! I found nothing

I didn't even ask for a last name. Ugh! Im so stupid I thought and I slammed my laptop closed.

. I didn't feel like cooking so I went to the closest café to take my mind off everything.

I was in the café I decided to order, A sandwich and a peach tea.. I payed the cashier and took my food and sat down at a table and looked out the café windows.. the town looked so pretty at sunset

I suddenly saw a man staring at me, He was leaning on the wall Wearing mostly black.. Brunette hair He made eye contact with me and smirked.. and took out his phone and walked off, oh my god!

I quickly grabbed my food and drink and rushed to my house.

I eventually reached home and I locked the windows and shut all my blinds It was completely dark in my house.

I ate my food in the dark and then decided to go to sleep.

sleep is the escape from life. I changed into jogging bottoms and a crop top and hopped into bed and shut my eyes and drifted to sleep.



Anyways! I have like 2 more chapters ready and im most likely gonna write more tonight so im gonna be uploading a lot for like 2 or 3 days while my 2 brain cells are active and working

But yeah hope u enjoyed:)

Follow my tiktok as it will have things that happen in my books


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