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(A/N) im praying that this is the right chapter that needs to go out because guess what, MY LAPTOP DELETED A CHAPTER SO AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH

oh yeah and possible trigger warning it could trigger ED

onto the chapter


I was sitting in my bedroom thinking over things.. I've only been in a couple relationships and lets just say they weren't the best. I didn't know how to be a good girlfriend! He literally kidnapped me.. and he refuses to let me leave for my "safety" or whatever that means? I sighed and let my head fall back into the soft pillow, My room was beautiful.. It was my favourite colours. I didn't know how he found out my favourite colours but I didn't really want to know..

 He probably knows more about me then I do.

 I heard a knock on my door "come in" I said softly, The door opened and revealed Dylan "hey love, Get changed into this and meet me downstairs" He said as he dropped some bags on the bed "okay.." I asked with confusion, where the fuck were we going? I didn't let any negative thoughts come into my head before I got up and looked in the bag.

 I pulled it out and it was a Black dress with some sparkles.. not a lot the perfect amount, with a slit on the thigh, Tights, Black heels. I looked at the tag inside the dress at the top.. It was from Victoria secret?

This dress had to be so expensive what the fuck. I opened the second bag and I saw a beautiful necklace with a diamond.. I also saw a note so I picked up the note and saw it said

Hey precious, I know your pretty little head is going to think about the prices but don't okay? I promise I was happy spending It on you. 

My cheeks heated up.. I finally decided to get ready.

I stripped out of my clothes and put the dress on.. It hugged my body perfectly, I never thought I looked beautiful.. Ive always wanted to be one of those girls that looked flawless. I quickly put on the heels and strapped them round my ankle, I went into the bathroom and brushed through my hair making it look as best as I could. I put on some makeup and some eyeshadow.. I think I look okay? Im not sure but im going to just go downstairs. 

 I opened my door and went downstairs carefully, I saw Dylan waiting there he was talking to Enzo.

 He was wearing a suit and he looked fucking handsome! Enzo suddenly stopped talking and nodded his head towards me Dylan turned his head, His eyes widened at me. Whats wrong? did I not look good I panicked.. His lips curved upwards turning into a beautiful smile.

"you look.. stunning" he says, I blushed and looked down a the floor "aw, Look at you. getting all shy" he said in a tone that made me want to faint. "let's go, love" he said as he walked over to me and took my hand "have fun bitches" Enzo yelled

 "fucking bitch" Dylan muttered under his breathe

 Me and Dylan were now in a range rover "where are we going?" I asked Dylan, "to dinner.. Its a place called "Happy all the time" Its a cringe fucking name but its good in there.. Its almost as pretty as you in there" He stated making me blush, again!

 "o-oh" I stuttered. I looked over to him and he was smirking.

 My eyes traveled down to his suit, it made him look hotter! My eyes traveled to his hands... his rings.. his bracelet and his watch. He had one hand on the steering wheel, He brought his other hand up to rest on top of my thigh

"is this okay?" He confirmed with me, I nodded my head.. He started rubbing my thigh over the tights with his thumb, Making me blush for the third time!

I looked down at the bottom of the car. We were now at the restaurant, we were sitting at a amazing table that had a window and it had the view of the sunset.. "what do you want to eat?" Dylan asked me. I had to think about it for a moment "um, I don't know. You choose for me" I said with a smile

He chuckled "okay, Pizza to share?" He said, I smiled again and nodded. He went to the bar to order it and get us some drinks He was to impatient to wait for the waiter.. He came back seconds later with some cocktails, "so.. I wanted to talk to you about some stuff" He said 

 Panic filled me What did he want to talk about? We've only been together one day "hey, calm that pretty brain of yours" he said in a gentle tone which surprisingly calmed me down.. I nodded my head for him to continue

 "so.. I know you were probably confused about some stuff so, I'm gonna clear as much as I can up for you" He explained, I once again Nodded for him to continue.

"okay so, Theres more reasons to why I wont let you leave. When we were outside your home that day.. I knew you called the police and when I.. took you and you woke up I very stupidly told you our last names. I cant risk you leaving and you telling the Police.. I like you very much but you haven't earned my trust for you yet so I also cant risk you escaping, but when I gain trust for you.. i'll let you leave the house." he explained to me.

It was very confusing and I didn't really understand but I decided to accept it 

 I mean I liked him and for some reason I wanted to stay? I didn't like the feeling of being locked away in the house not allowed to leave but.. I just had to gain his trust? that seemed easy I guess! then I can leave and I have a relationship.

 "okay.. That makes sense" I lied to him.

 I was a good liar! 

I smiled to myself.




word count: 1078

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