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I woke up hearing a car park outside.. I quickly got up and looked outside, the black car was outside again! I'm actually getting a bit scared now.. Maybe I should call the police? I asked myself

I quickly got my phone out and dialed 999 "Hello? 999 whats your emergency " A woman called out "I think i'm being watched" I said as i moved away from my window..

 "okay ma'am don't panic. what makes you feel like your being watched?" She asked as I could hear keyboard clattering In the background

"well.. yesterday there was a black car outside my house and..they got out their car and came to my door and told me to watch my back.. and I went to a café and I saw someone standing across the road from me and he looked at me and called someone and left, And I woke up to the same black car outside my house today" I explained

"okay-" she paused 

"hello?"i said wondering why she wasn't talking anymore

"um, ma'am- just um.. stay safe and make sure to lock your doors" she said

"aren't u gonna send someone out to look at the car or something?" I asked, what sort of police service is this?! 

"um.. im- im afraid we cant do that currently.." she said and hung up.

what the hell!?.. what do I do now? I don't have any family so I have no houses to hide at.. maybe cassie or luna will let me stay at their house for a bit..

got out my phone again and dialed cassie's number as it was the first one I saw "hey girlie!" she squealed into the phone

"hey" I said "whats up?- Oh and also are you still looking for a job?" she asked "yes I am why?" I said as I shut my curtains 

"You know that bar I work at? Their looking for bartenders! I can get u a interview in a couple hours" she said excitedly

"oh my god! That would be great" I said with a smile

"Okay! ill call them in a bit.. now what's up?" she asked 


"okay so.. can I stay at your house for a bit? I don't feel safe at my house right now" I said "of course!.. why don't you feel safe though?" she asked

 I debated on telling her the truth.. but I decided not to worry her "oh.. there;s just been some robbing going around my street and I don't really wanna risk it" I lied

im an amazing liar

oh okay! fair enough so when are u coming?" she asked "is like 10 minutes okay? I just need to pack my bags"

 Thank god she let me stay at her house I thought, " Yeah of course!" she said "okay, ill see u soon bye!" I hung up

 I grabbed a decent sized bag from under my bed and started packing, I packed some skirts, and dresses because.. you never know if cassie and luna are gonna drag me out of my nice warm cozy bed, I rolled my eyes at the thought I continued packing Trousers, leggings, socks, t shirts, and all the rest of the stuff i'll need. I zipped up the bag and made my way to the door, I made sure their was nobody outside before I left the house.

Its a bit weird how the car just goes out of existence after I see it, I thought but anyways.. I arrived at Cassie's house and knocked on her door "Hey! come in, Luna's on her way as well I was thinking we could have like a girls night tonight! you know, Order pizza, Do nails" she smiled

"Sounds great!" I smiled back as I dumped the bag on the floor "oh! your interview is tomorrow, They couldn't fit you in today as it was a busy night at the club tonight" I nodded my head.

We heard a knock on the door I quickly jumped up to open it and saw Luna! "Hi" I said with a big smile "Hey girl! Okay, I brought Vodka, wine And shot glasses, This is gonna be so fun!" she laughed 

"its gonna be something!" I said. it was around 9pm and we were.. well extremely drunk, "do it, do it!" I cheered on Cassie as she took 5 shots "Whoo!" I screamed

as Luna laughed

"can we order pizza?" Cassie said after she took the shots "yup! Ill order it" I said as I grabbed my phone from the sofa and pulled out UberEats "what pizza do u guys want" I asked them

"uhhh Meat feast" Cassie said "I want cheese" Luna said I nodded my head as I added their pizzas onto the basket I added another cheese one for me, and I ordered garlic bread and cheese bites.. You can never have to much food

"cass, do u have ice cream?" I asked

"uhh.. no" she said 

"WHAT?" Luna screamed, Cassie covered Lunas mouth with her hand, I laughed some more "im ordering some ice cream as well" I said as I added Chocolate brownie, cookie dough, and mint ice cream. 

"Its been 20 minutes where is fooood" Luna whined 

"Luna its been 5 minutes" Cassie said She groaned "Im going to get more vodka" I said as I stood up and went to the kitchen, I saw something in the corner of my eye.. I quickly turned round and I saw nothing, hm weird I thought but I grabbed the bottles of wine and vodka because well.. I don't know! 

but whatever I made my way back to the living room I took a swig out of the bottle "Damn girl" Luna said we all started laughing again, Suddenly the door knocked "FOOD!" Luna screamed as she quickly got up and opened the door, She came back with lots of food. 


i nearly uploaded the wrong chapter... IDK HOW THIS WATTPAD THING WORKS OKAY

i only read smut. 

oh yea. there wont be any smut in this just letting you guys know ;) so if ur here for smut then fuck off <3 


thank u for reading my book mfers :)

word count: 1027

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