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I woke up to something wrapped around my waist, I tried to move but I couldn't!

 I looked down to realise it was Dylan's arms.. Memories of last night came back to me, I fell asleep on him! oh my god.. I needed to move now. it has been 5 damn minutes and I still cant get this man to move! I tried to move his arms but they didn't budge, How strong is he?

 "stop moving" I heard him grumble I froze.. "I need to change" I came up with an excuse I heard him groan

 "fine, hurry up i'll be back in 20 minutes" he said as he got up and left.. oh my god! I fell asleep on my kidnapper, what is wrong with me? but he made me feel safe.. and he was really.. really handsome, No Amelia! He kidnapped you.. I came out of my thoughts, I realised he left me some clothes which was a hoodie and sweatpants, Im assuming both belong to him.

 20 minutes has now passed and Dylan came back in, He looked at me up and down

"fuck" he mumbled. I was confused

 "what?" I asked him He shook his head and sat down next to me on the bed

"Amelia" He called out to me I turned towards him "we need to talk" He said, I nodded my head.. Talk about what?

Maybe he's gonna let me go home! Im no use to him.. right? 

"I know your probably wondering when your gonna go home.. as you have your friends and your.. new job. " He said I nodded my head in agreement

"so.. when can I go home? I'm no use to you.. I don't remember my parents or anything so why am I still here?" I said I realised I said that a bit harshly.. oh god I don't wanna make him angry. 

 "never." he said, My heart dropped

 "w-what do u mean?" I asked him "I refuse to let you leave, I want you here so you are going to stay here. Maybe one day u can see ur friends... maybe" He said, What the hell?!

 he cant just keep me here! I have a life

"You can't just keep me here Dylan!" I yelled

 "Don't raise your voice" He said sternly

"no! I want to go back to my life!" I yelled again 

"To bad Amore" (translation: Love) 

  "If you try to escape, Ill send you back down to the cell understood?" he said as he stood up.. Tears flooded my eyes "y-yes" I muttered, He didn't even look at me he just left.

 I hate this! I went under the covers and let my emotions come over me.. I was crying for what felt like hours But there was a clock in this room it was only 1pm! I cried some more before I fell asleep. 


shit! why did I say that? I'm such a dickhead!

 I got angry not at her but at the thought of her leaving.. I liked her I didn't want her to leave! I need to say sorry.. but there's no way in hell she's gonna forgive me but I have to try.

 I went to the bedroom and knocked on the door "go away" I heard her sniffle, fuck.. I walked in anyways I needed to say sorry, "Amelia.." I said softly as I saw her crying into her pillow I walked over to her and picked her up and placed her onto my lap, I waited for her to protest but it never came.. I gently placed my hands on her jaw to make her look at me I saw her beautiful eyes I wiped her tears away with my thumb.

I eyed her lips Could I? no.. not yet

 "I'm sorry amore" (translation: Love) "I.. I got angry at the thought of you leaving.. I like having you here, and I don't want to lose you Amelia." I explained to her, "but.. you could just let me go and still remain in contact with me." She suggested

"no. I want you here" I said trying to keep a soft tone on "but why?" she asked I paused

"your beautiful, Smart, Kind.. I like you Amelia" I confessed That was such a mistake! I've only Known her for a couple days, and she hates me I yelled at myself

 "o-oh" she mumbled she leaned her head into my chest. It has been about 10 minutes in silence.. expect it was more comfortable silence surprisingly.. considering I just confessed I liked her! 

 "Amore" I called out "yes" she said "do you want to go out and get some clothes?" I asked her "yes please" she said her head was now on my shoulder

"okay..i have a surprise for you" I said.. I made Amelia her own room, It has a window but it's locked with a key.. I didn't trust she wouldn't try and escape "what is it?" she asked as she lifted her head off my shoulder, I took her hand in mine and lead her to the bedroom, It was right next to mine I opened the door to reveal a white and black room with some gold touches to the room It had a queen sized bed, a walk in closet, a bathroom, and a tv, I knew white and black were her favourite  colours as I had stalked her for a while.

 "oh my god" She said as a smile came onto her pretty face "do you like it?" I asked "I love it!" she said, She hugged me.. She hugged me! I felt happy because she hugged me.. damn!

"do you want to go out to buy clothes or online shop?" I asked I knew she would want to go out though, "go out" She responded, Knew it. 


I had a lil argument with dylan while writing this chapter.. "never i want u here" stfu u bitch. let her go home

How are you guyss?


word count: 1013






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