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I was in the office with Enzo and Luke, We were tracking down some more backstabbers. "So, The wedding is getting pretty close." Enzo said, I chuckled. "yes it is" I said

"Still cannot believe you guys are getting married so quickly." Luke said in disbelief.

We had both decided we wanted to get married as soon as possible, Yet Amelia wanted some time to actually plan the wedding. She had been going to Cassie and Luna's house a lot recently, I had yet to meet them. 

I will probably meet them at the wedding.

The wedding was next month, Amelia started planning in 2 months ago. We have had a great four months, We have went on dates, Talked about our future, It couldn't get any better. Luke and Enzo had been taking care of the office and shit. 


I went home, back to my love. "Baby, I'm home." I called out, I heard footsteps. Amelia ran over to me and hugged me tightly.

She had been more clingy ever since I proposed to her, Of course I didn't mind. "I'm tired." She complained. I chuckled, I picked her up and went upstairs with her in my arms. 

I reached my bedroom, We usually are in either one of our bedrooms. There is never a specific bedroom, It's either mine or hers. We're both always in bed together though.

I laid in bed with her on top of me, the blanket was over us. "Goodnight, my love." I said, She kissed my cheek and got comfy on me again. 


I woke up, Amelia wasn't on me anymore. I groaned as I stretched my arms, I got up wanting to see where she is. Most likely downstairs planning more of the wedding, I opened the bedroom door and went downstairs. 

It was dead silent, I saw her jacket and shoes here so I knew she was in the house somewhere. 

"Love?" I called out, I didn't get a answer. Panic started to fill me, Is she okay? Did she get taken again?

I walked into the kitchen, What I saw made my heart stop. 

Amelia was on the floor, a puddle of blood around her body. Her beautiful blonde wavy hair she always hated was covered in blood, Her pretty little eyes were shut. 

Still wearing the same thing she fell asleep in, my hoodie. 

I couldn't move, I was frozen. I finally came out of my head and ran over to her, I sat down on my knees next to her, Not caring I was getting her blood on me. "Amelia" I yelled, I grabbed her wrist and felt for her pulse.

It was there but faint, It's getting slower by the second. 

Our doctor isn't at the mansion right now, He is in Russia. Enzo and Luke can't get here quick enough, Their 4 hours away. They went for a meeting. 

I pulled out my phone as tears blurred my eyes, "Amelia. Can you fucking hear me? Don't leave me, Don't give up!" I yelled as I called 999. 

"999, What's your-" 

"My girlfriend is on the floor covered in blood! Please help." I said quickly, I kept my hand on her wrist, To scared to let go of her pulse. 

I continued talking to the 999 operator until the ambulance finally arrived, I kept wondering what happened. How? Just how, We were asleep together. 

She can't die, She cannot fucking die! 

The ambulance held me back, "Sir.." They got up from her body. No, No! She is not fucking dead.

"why are you getting up? Fucking help her!" I yelled, "Sir- I'm sorry." They said. I refused to believe them, My love is not gone.

"time of death: 11:08PM." The ambulance worker called out, I broke down into tears. 

She can't be gone, We were getting married! She did not just fucking leave me, She did not. 

She is not gone.. I cannot believe she is gone. 

They are lying to me, They are fucking lying! "Sir, She got shot in her chest." They said, She got fucking shot. How did she get shot? There is no way she could have gotten shot.

My phone went off, I wiped my tears away and got out of the ambulance workers grip. I looked at my phone trying to stop the tears from falling, I was trying to block my emotions out. I've done it before but, I can't do it this time.

They won't block!

DIEGO: Hope you enjoyed your wedding present. Have fun being alone for the rest of your life, dick!


One of my many enemies, I thought we were at peace! Why did he do that! He killed my whole entire fucking world, No! 

She's dead.

I looked at Amelia's body, Lifeless. She didn't move, She didn't breathe, She was as pale as a ghost. You could mistake her for the white floor she's laying on. 

Amelia Miller is Dead.



word count: 823

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