keeping her for myself

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"That was good" I admitted as conjuring 1 finished

" I told you!" Amelia whined and rolled her eyes

I looked at the time to realise it was 10pm "can we watch conjuring 2?" she asked me "yes, but we're getting ready for bed first. Come here" I said I grabbed her hand and lead her to my bedroom, My bedroom had a bathroom connected to it

"go shower, Towels are under the sink in the cabinet. Call for me when you are ready to get out and ill pass u clothes" I told her "okay, thank u" she said as she walked into the bathroom and shut the door.

 I mentally sighed I didn't know what I was gonna do about her, I can't let her go back She would easily tell the cops!

She already tried to but I had some Business men in the police station that day handling business, so as soon as I saw her pick up her phone I told them to tell the operator something, I didn't know what they told her but no police showed up so I knew it was fine. I knew amelia had a life and friends as I had been stalking her for a while, I felt guilty taking her away from all of that..

. but I kind of want to keep her for myself now.. I was suppose to hold her hostage until she gave me answers I didn't have a plan for after that but.. Now I know she knows nothing about her parents I cant do that.

but shes so beautiful and id rather just keep her here anyways.. which I will probably do. 

I heard her call for me, I quickly grabbed her one of my hoodies and joggers and passed them to her through the door, I was planning to make her a room that she liked and buy her some clothes, I was going to talk to her about that tomorrow

She came out of the bathroom wearing my clothes.. she looked so beautiful I couldn't take It.

 I quickly changed while she was in the shower so I was now in grey joggers and a white shirt. 

 I saw her staring at me for a solid minute before I said "take a picture amore, It'll last longer" I said with a smirk

She quickly looked down flushing a shade of red.

I laughed at her and I took her back to the bedroom My room didn't have a TV right now, I was planning on getting one in there soon though. 

We were now watching the Conjuring 2 she was falling asleep and she laid her head on my lap and curled up into a ball

 She's so damn cute! I couldn't take it anymore. I turned off the tv and covered her with a blanket

I kissed her forehead and closed my eyes as I started to fall asleep as well making sure to stay in the same position.


This is a short chapter but i was tired af so sorry about thatttt


also, yes i am moving them extremly fast but i dont give a FUCK because i want the love to begin ;) 

word count: 534 

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