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Josh plans to deliver a lunch food to Ken's office. When 10AM arrived, he started cooking, putting the food he cooked in each tupperware. After a while, he finished everything, so he smiled and put the things he was going to bring in a plastic bag, and then went upstairs to take a shower, to fix himself.

When he finished fixing himself, he took the plastic bag that was on the table and walked out of their house.

He got into his car and began to travel to Ken's workplace.

After a few minutes of traveling he finally arrived, he immediately got out of the car and took the plastic bag, he smiled and walked into the building.

The guard immediately greeted him, he was known there because everyone already knew that he was Ken's husband. He greeted the guard back, the guard looked at the plastic bag he was holding, "To Sir Ken?" Asked him, Josh looked at him and nodded with a sweet smile on his lips.

He said goodbye to the guard and went up to Ken's office, while he was walking to the elevator, he was noticed and greeted by the employees there, Josh was happy because of that, and another thing when Ken said and introduced him, none of its employees got angry or what was their reaction, because they were very happy.

When Josh got out of the elevator, he took a deep breath before continuing to walk, until he reached Ken's office, he was opposite Ken's office door, he took another deep breath before knocking slowly.

The door immediately opened, and Josh was greeted by the most handsome man in the world.

Ken smiled and Josh received a flick from his forehead, causing him to come back to himself, "I might melt." Ken said with a smile, Josh shook his head and went inside, of course he locked the door.

"I made you lunch." Josh said and raised the plastic bag he was holding, Ken smiled and took it and put it on the table.

Ken immediately hugged Josh, "Are you busy? Did I bother you?" Josh asked, Ken immediately shook his head and faced Josh, "You never bothered me." Saying this, Josh pinched his pointed nose, "Let's eat." And Josh broke away from Ken's embrace to bring out the food he had cooked.

Ken watched his husband prepare their lunch, while Ken looked closely at Josh's figure, he noticed something strange behind it. Because it is wearing a polo shirt, which is quite thin.

Ken took a good look at Josh's back and saw a red color on it, "Is he wearing a bra?" Ken asked in his mind. Because Ken thought that, he couldn't help but think about something, causing him to become hard.

He looked down, took a deep breath and slowly approached Josh, he gave him a back hug so Josh looked at him, "Just a moment." He said with a smile and continued to prepare what they would eat, but he stopped when he felt something hard poke his butt.

Josh looked at Ken in surprise, Ken suddenly brought him forward while their faces were very close, "K-ken?" Ken's hand went to Josh's polo shirt and quickly unbuttoned it, and Ken's eyes widened when he saw the inside of Josh's shirt, he was right.

Josh immediately blushed a lot and looked away, while Ken's eyes widened.

"W-what is it Josh?" He stammered his question, Josh immediately covered his chest because of the shy he felt, Ken was also blushing because of what he saw.

"W-why are you wearing a bra?" Ken asked and moved closer to Josh, Josh covered himself more and shook his head at Ken in response.

"Fuck.." Ken whispered, and removed Josh's hand that was covering his chest, "Ken!" Josh screamed but only he gave a kiss.

Ken kissed Josh with great emphasis, Ken's hand crawled over Josh's stomach, up his neck.

When their lips parted, Josh saw that Ken was smiling.

"You're really amazing Josh." He said and picked Josh up, "Ken put me down!" Josh shouted but Ken didn't listen and walked towards the sofa and put Josh down there and immediately kissed him.

Ken's hand went to the bra that Josh was wearing, "So sexy.." He whispered in Josh's ear, Josh blushed even more.

He took off the bra that Josh was wearing and immediately sucked one of it's nipples, making Josh moaning because of that. Ken spent a long time on Josh's nipples until he stopped and it was already swollen.

Josh brought Ken's face closer to him and gave him a kiss again, Ken's kiss went down Josh's neck, he licked it before biting so Josh screamed because of that, "I-it hurts." Josh said but with good.

Ken removed the shorts and the boxers he was wearing, immediately inserted his two fingers into Josh's hole, and because of that, Josh came out quickly.

"Wow you came already." Ken said, he grabbed Josh's member and lifted it up, causing Josh's cum to spread on his hand, "K-Ken..."

When Ken's hand was filled with white liquid, he inserted his finger again but it was already three, because of that Josh moaned as he started to take his finger out of Josh's hole.

He stopped it and took out his cock that was already very hard. He immediately inserted it into Josh's hole causing Josh's grip to press against the sofa, Ken started thrusting, slowly until it got faster and faster.

"K-ken! Ngh!" Josh called Ken, Ken grabbed both of Josh's hands and put them on his neck, and he leaned his head on Josh's shoulder and started to thrust very fast.

Ken gave a few thrusts until they were both released, both panting.

"It's weird inside...." Josh said softly, because Ken came out of his insides, Ken slowly removed his cock from Josh's hole and when he removed it, his cum came out of Josh's hole.

"Sorry.." Ken said to Josh and gave him a kiss on the cheek, "I didn't bring a condom because I didn't know you had such a plan." Ken received a slap in his arm, he just laughed while Josh blushed in embarrassment.

Josh moaned when he felt someone enter his hole, Ken inserted his finger, "K-ken!" He shouted, "It's enough.!." Ken looked at him, "I just removed my cum." He said with a smirk, Josh looked away while holding back his moans.

"Oh!" He moaned loudly when Ken touched his spot, that's why he was released.

"Oh Ow." Ken teased, Josh looked at him evilly, "You will sleep in the living room tonight!" Josh said and immediately stood up and took his boxers and shorts.

"Huh?! Josh!"

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