Dance like theres nobody watching

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You had just finished a long day of photoshoots and just wanted to sleep so walked to the car park and got in your car. You really didn't want to drive but had no other choice. You pull out of your space and make the short journey to the hotel. After parking you walk upstairs unlock the door and get changed, you put on some joggers and a small tank as it was quite warm inside. You proceed to collapse onto the bed. This movie promotion was one of the most tiring things you had done.
You look around your room and realise how messy it was. You get up, put on your headphones and shuffle your playlist. You start picking up some clothes but then taylor swift comes on and you start to dance. You dance and sing, having the time of your life not realising someone was at the door.

*Gwendoline's pov*

After a long promo day, I got an uber to the hotel and changed into sweats. I was really tired but didn't want to stay in or go out out. I text Y/N but she doesn't answer so I go knock on the door. As I knock I could feel the door wasn't locked so pushed it open and stare at her. She was singing and it was the cutest thing ever.
"I like shiny things but I'd marry you with paper rings, uh huh, that's right, darling, you're the one I want" she sings. She turns around to see me standing in the doorway and just dives onto the bed.

*Y/N pov*

"Darling, you're the one I want." I continue singing, paper rings was such a good song. I turn around to find my co-star Gwendoline staring at me,smiling. What on earth was she doing here? I realise I hadn't locked the door. I dove onto my bed, completely embarrassed. Why did she have to see me singing, especially that song?
She sits at the foot of my bed stoking my legs.
"You'd marry me with paper rings. I'm the one you want?" She chuckles as I just go more red.
I emerge from the covers bright red and flustered and Gwendoline pulls me in for a hug.
"I'm only teasing!"
"I know but why are you here?"
"Well I was bored and was wondering if you wanted to go to dinner with me?"
"Like fancy dinner or like mcdonalds dinner? Cause I'd have to get changed for fancy dinner"
"Wherever you want"
"Let's just go to the drive-thru and we can eat in my car."
"Ok let's go!"
I get in my car and my phone automatically connects playing my playlst that was still on from earlier.
I start singing again, forgetting Gwen was in the car. I look at her embarrassed but she just smiles and rubbed my thigh. She was so loving and I needed that in my life.
We pull into the drive thru and order quickly, it was 11 30 so very quiet.
We get our food and I pull into a parking space. I had chicken nuggets and gwen had a burger
"Why are you such a child Y/N? She laughs staring at my food
"I'm not I just have amazing taste!" I say smugly
She tries to grab a nugget before you knocked her hand away. She laughed. You turn on the heated seats in your car as your jacket was in the back and its much colder outside. I jump out the car and open the boot, grab my hoodie and blanket and get back in the seat. Gwen then suggests we should go on a midnight walk. Although it was cold, I agreed. We finished our food and I drove to the nearby park, which was just really a big open field. We get out the car and start to walk.
Suddenly I felt a hand entwine with mine and immediately felt safe. Gwen was so gorgeous and I loved her but she probably just thought we were friends.

*Gwendoline's pov *

As we are walking I grab her hand hoping she wouldn't pull away. She didn't. I had butterflies in my stomach. She was so beautiful and I wanted to be with her but she probably only like me as a friend. We continue to walk and I notice her shivering. I drop her hand and wrapped my arm around her shoulders and I felt her relax. It was nice to know she felt safe with me.

*Y/N pov*

As I shiver, Gwendoline wraps her arm round me, she was so kind. I felt what seemed like a drop of rain on my head, confused I stopped. Then another and another but they were cold not wet. Could it be snow? I looked at Gwen who just stared back at me. The snow got heavier and started to fall quite quickly but we didn't run. We stood and watched. Gwen takes my hand and spins me around. She then pulled me into her chest and we swayed gently. Although it was snowing, I had never been warmer in Gwens soft embrace. I then pulled my head away and looked at her. Her eyes, her lips, her face, she was so perfect. I could see her eyes dropping towards my lips so I reached up and kissed her, panting my arms around her neck. With her hands around my waist she picks me up and spins around,like something out of a movie.
She put me down and pulled away.
"I love you"

Authors note:
Thus sounds so fake but really cute. Also if you couldn't tell( as she popped up in my last oneshot) I am a swiftness.
Hope you enjoy this and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!🩷🩷🩷🩷

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