Mistake pt.2

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"I love you y/n," she whispers
You pull away, not knowing what to say.
Gwendoline looks at you, shocked.
"I'm going to go now Ms Christie, this was and always will be a mistake." You run out of the room in tears.
Why? WHY DID YOU SAY THAT? You did love her and knew you did! You just pushed her away!

You run to your desk, grabbing your keys, tears streaming down your face. You loved her but why couldn't you accept she loved you. Why did you call that a mistake, you bought her a £300 necklace for goodness sake! Stephen grabbed your arm as you walked out the door but you pulled away, you could hear her heels following you. You got in the car, pulling out the car park. The last thing you see was Gwendoline, stood at the door, crying. What had you done?
You don't remember the drive home or getting home. You just remember crawling into your bed, sobbing. Were you not ready for a relationship? But you'd waited months for that, you always messed up, you always have and always will.
You cry yourself to sleep, huddled up in a ball.
You wake up to your phone ringing, it was Stephen.

Y: leave me alone
S: you need to come in, what happened?
Y: I don't want to talk about it!
S: What happened with Gwendoline?
Y: I said I don't want to talk!
S: She's crying, she hasn't left her office, I think she slept here
Y: I don't care, go away!
S: Me and Zac are coming over!
Y: No!
S: We are, be there in 20

He hangs up and you start to cry again. You seemed to have really hurt her. But she hurt you multiple times. Did she deserve it? No. Do you know why you did it? No.

After a while you hear the door unlock and the sound of footsteps. You hear them coming up the stairs, your door slowly opening.

"Y/N, are you ok?" Zac whispered, walking towards you
"No not really!" You sob. He sits next to you, pulling you next to him
"What happened?" He hugs you close
"Gwendoline happened," That's all you said  before bursting into tears.
"What happened?"
"She- she - she kissed me, then said I- I-I love y- you!"
"After that?"
"I just told her it was a mistake and ran out! I don't know why, I love her!"
"Tell her that!"
"I can't though!"

Stephen sits next to you, joining in your hug. You sit there like that for a while before sitting up.
"I think I know why I did that!"
"What y/n?" Zac looked confused
"Well I don't think Gwendoline knows this but I do. We dated in secondary school. I went by a different name, had glasses, red not brown hair. My hair was straight but now it's curly. Just before we went into our last exam, I said I love you for the first time and she just ignored me. She didn't talk to me after that. Maybe I'm scared, I don't know!" You start to cry again.
"So tell her!" Stephen says
"But what if she doesn't believe me!"
"She will I promise!" Zac adds.

You get up, shower and tell them to pick you out an outfit, you couldn't be bothered. The decide to pick your shortest, most exposing dress. They add a pair of red heels aswell.
"Might aswell do it in style!" They laugh
You shake your head before putting the outfit on. You look in the mirror before laughing. You get in your car and they get in theirs.

You arrive at work and mee them outside. They escort you to her office, before leaving you to it. You knock on the door, hearing the muffled sobs stop, lots of sniffing before the door opened.

"Y/N? What are you doing here?" She asks, with mascara running down her face, bloodshot eyes and smudged lipstick.
"I need to tell you something!"
"Come in but that outfit is really inappropriate although makes you look ravishing!"
"Thank you and blame Zac and Stephen, they picked it!" You chuckle lightly.

You walk in and sit on one of her many sofas
"So what did you want to talk about?"
"I would like to introduce myself," you start to shake
"But I know who you are, you are y/n!"
"Hi my name is Allison Matthews!" You say grinning weakly.
Her mouth falls to the floor, her eyes widen.
"It was my fake name in school but I thought it would jog your memory. My real name is really y/n though!"
"You look so-"
"Different? I know!"
"But why did you run out yesterday?"
"Don't you remember?"
"Last GCSE? I said I love you and you refused to talk to me?"
"Oh yes, I'm sorry about that," she looks into her lap.
"It's ok, now look at me," you place you index finger under her chin and move her fight to your face. You see her vision drop to your chest, which was very exposed.
"Me eyes are up here!" You chuckle.
"It's ok!"
You lean in and kiss her gently, making her smile
"You aren't a mistake Gwendoline, I was scared!"
"You have never been and never will be a mistake, I made a big one that day, leaving you, I should never have done that."
"Well I'm back in your arms again aren't I?"
"Yes you are y/n, I love you!"
"I love you too Gwen!"

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