Photographs~ Larissa Weems

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You were a student at Nevermore academy, a school for outcasts. You were a shapeshifter. The only other shapeshifter there was Larissa Weems, your best friend's roommate.

You and Morticia had been close since you were both about 3 years old. You spent every day with each other, almost ruling the school. Her roommate spent her days trailing after you, feeling left out.

You liked Larissa though. She was kind, thoughtful and quite funny. Every weekend, you would host game night in your dorm as you had no roommate. Larissa would always let loose and have fun.

But you noticed she was never in her natural form. Any normal person couldn't tell but shapeshifters could. She was always very refined, never smudging makeup, never moving hair, clothes never wrinkling, and no little bumps, scratches or imperfections that would make her perfect.

Summer break was over and you were now returning to Nevermore. You arrived a day early, you wanted some peace. You decided to walk around the grounds, enjoying the quiet. And that's when you heard sobs.

It was Larissa.

When she saw you, she stood up, wiping away her tears.

"My lord, do you even stop growing?" You chuckle, she was nearly as tall as you now. She laughed too, it was nice whenever you could share her laughter.
"Well, you can't say much!"
"Yeah but I also wear heels, makes me more powerful." You joke, making her giggle again.
"Now why is a pretty girl like you  crying?" You indicate for her to sit down.
"It's nothing." She dismisses
"Larissa, I heard the sobs, and just because you don't like people seeing you weak, you can tell me. And I want to see you in your natural form, not like this."
"I'm ugly!" She sniffs
"Issa, I'm sure you aren't. Show me." You smirk.

You see her shift and her mascara was running down her face, her hair was messy and she had a little scar on her lip.

You brushed your finger gently over the scar, making her blush. Your hand moves to her cheek, and your thumb started drawing circles.

"You're really pretty Issa."
"Oh shut up, I'm not." She wipes away her remaining tears.
"No, I mean it. I like you like this. Real, raw, vulnerable. It's nice to see the real you." You give her a cheesy smile. You wrap your arm around her shoulders, pulling her into you.

Her head rests on your shoulder and you sit in comfortable silence.

"Y/n!" You hear someone call. You look around to see Morticia, walking quickly towards you. Larissa sits up, shifting into her frigid self.
You were upset but understood her insecurities. Morticia hugged you and started to pull you away, leaving Larissa alone but you stop.

"Issa, come on." You indicate for her to follow you. You spot Morticia shaking her head.

"Y/n, it's ok, you both go." Larissa waves but you weren't having any of it. You were brave and wrapped your arm around Larissa's waist, pulling her into you. You see her blush as you start to walk, still holding onto her.

Morticia gives you a look but all you cared about was Larissa. You all walked back to the dorms and Morticia and Larissa went to theirs.

You went to clean up your room before going to the quad. You spot Morticia sneaking around and then you notice Gomez following her. You smirked to yourself before walking up to go see Larissa.

"Tish? I thought you just left?" Larissa asks as you walked into the room.
"I did but then I saw y/n sad in the quad and I think I know why. I think she likes you Larissa. She seems very close and concerned about you. And I think you like her too." 'Morticia' says.
"Tish? What do I do?" She starts to hyperventilate.
"Larissa, she's in the quad, calm yourself down and go talk to her. I'll see you soon." You walk out of the room before shifting back into yourself and rushing to the quad.

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