More than an assistant pt.2

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After Gwendoline's speech at the Golden Globes, you started dating. You weren't official girlfriends but you would do on dates and stuff. You still were working for her though.
She made you take 1 day off a week now, and you had to be asleep by 11 pm most nights.
On your days off, she would take you on dates. You went to spas, you went on picnics,  to the cinema and lots of other stuff.
You also went to more red carpets and premieres with her.
According to the media, you were still only friends. You didn't want it released that you were dating.

On one of your days off, you were going on an evening picnic date. It was mid summer so still warm. You wore a short floral dress and Gwendoline wore a blue version. You headed to the local park with your basket and bottle of rose wine.
You laid out your plaid blanket and put down the basket. You had packed sandwiches, sausage rolls, pork pie, cakes and cookies. You poured both of you a glass of wine and you both smiled. You sat there chatting and laughing about stuff. You sipped on your wine and nibbled at the food.
Soon came up the topic of your next red carpet.
"So do you want to come honey?" Asked Gwendoline.
"I don't know, haven't you seen social media?" You reply
"What do you mean love?" She seemed puzzled.
"Well since I keep coming to your events, everyone is starting to figure out we are dating!" You say
"Well, it's your choice!" She says
"I'll come then!" You say excited
"So y/n, will you be my girlfriend?" She blushes.
"Yes Gwendoline, I love you so much," you say pulling her into a kiss.
You lay back and you rest your head on her chest.
"I still can't get over your speech at the Golden Globes honey!" You say
"Thank you Darling, I truly meant it. I wouldn't be here without you."
You kiss her again and lay back on her chest. You look up at the pastel sky. It was so pretty like Gwendoline.

~Next red carpet ~

You and Gwendoline walked down the red carpet hand in hand. You had become quite well known after Gwendoline's little speech.
You are at the last group of photographers and Gwendoline pulls you in for a kiss.
Immediately, the cameras start flashing. You hold the kiss and then pull away.
You walk into the Premiere and are surrounded with people.
"So it's true, you are dating?"
"You guys are together?"
"Oh so your dating?"
You both just nod and sit down.
You sit through the Premiere holding Gwendoline's hand throughout.
As the film finishes, you are some of the first to sneak out, not wanting to be bombarded.
You get in the uber and the radio is on. Suddenly you hear something interesting.
"In the cinematic universe, it was publicly announced that English actor, Gwendoline Christie, is dating who we know is her assistant, y/n y/l/n. On the red carpet Premiere for a new film, Christie pulled her assistant in for a kiss and we have photos now.
You both giggle, you were breaking news!

~Skip a couple of weeks~

Gwendoline had started getting busy again. Auditions, meetings, appearances, photoshoots, filming and runways.
You started going back to your old routine, 4am- 1am and repeat 7 days a week.
Gwendoline had asked you to stop but you couldn't, you would fall behind.
You would go to sleep crying most nights, you missed Gwendoline.
But one day, you got into an argument.

G: Y/N stop working your so tired.
Y: I can't I have to organise your diary over Christmas
G: That can wait!
Y: But it can't Gwendoline
G: Please I miss you?
Y: Do you think I enjoy overworking myself. I do this for you Gwendoline. I try so hard to make everything easier for you but that means putting myself last.
G: Please stop working just foe now let's go watch a film together
Y: But I have to work, please Gwendoline leave me alone I'm so tired and this needs to be done
G: but you're my girlfriend
Y: I'm your assistant and you pay me to do this so LET ME WORK IN PEAC

Gwendoline went silent and ran upstairs. God what had you done. You'd put work over your girlfriend. You were so tired, you'd been up for the past 36 hours trying to fit everything into Gwendoline's diary.
You slowly walk upstairs and go into Gwendoline's room

"I'm so sorry honey, I didn't mean that," you whisper
"I miss you y/n, you stopped taking your day off and have gone back to being up at ridiculous hours." She whimpers
"I know, I hate it honey, but I'm doing it for you. I'm so proud of you. I just want your life to be easier and I know that puts me in a bad place. But I miss you too. You are so busy with work, when I'm free, you are busy."
"I'm sorry y/n, I love you."
"I love you too Gwen."
You fell asleep in each other's arms that night.

Your alarm went off at 4 the next morning and you untangled yourself from your cuddle.
You got showered and dressed and went downstairs to make breakfast. You fried up some sausage bacon and scrambled some eggs for you and Gwendoline.
As you open your laptop and start to eat, Gwendoline appears.
"Hey honey, what are you doing?"
"Well since your so insistent that I come to all your events, I have to work more this morning as you're presenting awards tonight."
"But why do you need to be awake?"
"Because I still have flights that need to be booked, appearances that need to be organised and lots of other busy work."
She sat down beside you and started to eat.
"So today Gwen, you have another call with Tim Burton and Jenna Ortega. We also have lunch with Christina," you say smiling at her.
"Ok what time is the call?"
"11," you say smiling knowing she'll complain
"So why did you have to wake up 7 hours before?"
"Because I need to work!"
Later that evening you sta in the car all happy. Gwendoline was presenting tonight and you were so happy, she was gonna do amazing.

~skip a couple of weeks~

Gwendoline had her last award show of the year and of course you were going. You got ready but this one was different. You had been invited to co-host this award show. You'd become quite the star now dating Gwendoline and appearing on many red carpets. You'd even done a few modelling jobs in the past 9 months.
They sent a limo for you like always and you both got into the car. Gwendoline squeezed your hand.
"I'm so proud of my little assistant," she giggled
"I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you," you smile back
"Deja vu," she said.
You kissed her cheek and arrived at the red carpet.
You posed for photos and then headed inside. You went backstage and left Gwendoline to talk.

"So the award for best actress goes too.....Gwendoline Christie!!" You announce with tears in your eyes. It was the last award of the night and you were so proud.
"I'm going to make a very similar speech to the Golden Globes but here we go. I am so thankful for every single one of you here. There are people that I have known and supported me for 10, 15 years. And I have a special thank you. Y/n, you are amazing. Not many of you know this but she works 21 hours a day, 7 days a week. I know that's illegal but I can't stop her, she is a machine. She sleeps 3 hours a day, just so I can be successful. And she's now more than an assistant, she's my rock and my world, I love you y/n. Now she deserves a round of applause."
Everyone starts clapping as Gwendoline finished her speech. She was so loving and caring. You would do anything for her.
"Now we actually have one last award to give out!" Your co host says. You looked confused, this wasn't planned.
"Now I would like to invite 4 very special on stage to award this. Gwendoline Christie, Christina Ricci, Taylor Swift and Meryl Streep!" He continues.
That's weird, those are the four people you have been an assistant for.
"We are all honoured to be giving this award to this very deserving person," starts Taylor.
"She is an incredible worker and is amazing at her job," Meryl continues
"After working with her for years, we know she deserves this very special award" adds Christina
"And now the winner is ........ y/n y/l/n for the most hard working, up and comer!" Gwendoline exclaims
You just stand there. They'd made an award for you? You didn't deserve this, did you.
You step forward and start to speak.
"I'm lost for words, I'm utterly shocked. I want to thank these lovely people behind me. Christina helped me start my career. Meryl showed me how to ignore the media and do what's best for you and Taylor for introducing me to so many people and showing me the world. And Gwendoline, my girlfriend. She showed me that I need to take care of myself and that I need to look after myself before my job. I am so thankful for everyone in my life." You turn around and hug them all.
You pull Gwendoline in for a kiss.
"You're definitely more than an assistant y/n."

1629 words
Part 2 everyone. I love this although it's jumpy. I'm going back to school so I might not be updating as much as I write in the middle of the night and because of health issues I have to get lots of sleep. Stay healthy ❤️🫶❤️🫶

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