accidentally in love ~ pt.2

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Larissa sat and stared at the text. What was she to do with this? She didn't want to be a mother.

She didn't even know what you two were. But she couldn't leave you to be alone could she? You were 28 and she was 44.

But Nevermore was her family. In life, she'd never thought she'd have a girlfriend or kids. She'd dreamt of it when she was younger maybe but now?

Why would she want a baby? She hated babies. But she loved you and you were going to have a child together. But why didn't you call her.

She was going to call you.

So she did. And you didn't pick up.

So she tried. Again and again. But you never picked up.

So she rang your boss.

And apparently you hadn't been seen in a few days. So Larissa booked a flight and flew to see you, hoping to help you.

Once at the school, Larissa was shown to your room. As the door was locked and you weren't answering, the school gave Larissa a key.

So slowly, Larissa opened up your room. And what she saw was heartbreaking.

Scattered on your desk was about 20 pregnancy tests and your room was covered in tissues and empty cups and plates, pillows flung across the room, clothes in piles on the floor, strewn everywhere.

And you, little heartbroken you. You were curled up in blankets on your bed, looking pale, concerningly pale. Larissa started to stroke your hair and it was falling out. You had tear stains on your face but none were falling.

"Y/n, honey are you ok?"

"No, I don't want this Larissa." You whisper, barely audible.

"Well how can I help honey?" Larissa didn't know what to do, she'd thought you'd be over the moon.


"Honey, you are ill, you can't live like this."

"If I look at you, I will keep the baby, and I don't want that. You have a hold over me like no other."

"Are you sure you want me to go baby? You look unwell."

"Can I have a hug?" You whimper.

Larissa complies and curls up beside you in your bed, holding you close. You ended up falling asleep in her embrace, feeling safe.

But you were rudelt awoken the next morning with a bout of sickness. As you threw up in the toilet, Larissa stayed close to you, holding your hair and whispering sweet nothings to make you feel better.

But once the bout of vomiting was over, you broke down into tears. Larissa didn't day anything, instead holding you close and calming you down.

"I don't know what to do Larissa." You whisper.

"Neither do I baby, but whatever you do, I'll be here for you, whatever yiu need."

"Do you not want a say? It's your child."

"But it's your choice, no matter what."

So you stayed in her arms and thought long and hard.

"I want the baby." You whisper

"Ok then, let's get you packed up and we will get the next flight."

"Larissa." She looks at you worried.

"I'm not leaving. This is my home. My life is here, my family is here, I want to stay." Tears were falling from your eyes.

"Ok, I think I should be able to fly between here and Nevermore every week or so, I need to talk to the board and –"

"Larissa, I can't ask for you to do that. I know you didn't want this, you always used to say you would never have kids of your own. I'll be fine, my mother is here, I'm close with Vespertine, it'll all be ok." You sigh calmly, reaching out to take her hand.

"I can't leave you! This is my fault."

"It was never your fault Larissa, but I thought you had a right to know about your child. You should go now, the school can't run without you!" You chuckle awkwardly, pulling away from her, moving your gaze.

"Y/n please!"

"Go Larissa, it's what's best for the both of us."

So she left. Larissa Weems left you. Her child. Her only family. And every day she thought of you. Your beauty, your wits, your smarts, and your child. And everyday she regretted leaving without a fight.

There had been no contact between you both directly but Larissa received an Email from Vespertine when your daughter was born.

Taylor Elizabeth y/l/n Weems.

11 years later

It was yet another new year at Nevermore. The older students milled around helping new families while Larissa mingled around.

Then she spotted a tall blonde haired girl looking around aimlessly. She felt a need to help the girl, a pull towards her.

"Hello my dear, are you ok?" And the girl turned around, meeting Larissa with the most astonishing e/c eyes she'd ever seen. That was a lie, she'd seen them before.

"Are you Larissa Weems?"

"Yes I am dear, your new Principal."

"Good! I'm Taylor, my mother told me to look for you."

Larissa almost collapsed. Could it be? Could it really be?

"AH! There you are Taylor! I told you to wait!" And Larissa heard your laugh before she saw you.

You appeared next to your daughter who was nearly taller than you.

"Y/n what are you doing here?" Larissa gasped.

"I thought it was time she met her mother. And also dhe needed to go to school and going to a school that I'm incharge of wasn't really appealing. So I thought, that just maybe, I could make up for the awful mistake I made letting you go." You weren't looking at Larissa, instead staring at your feet.

You felt her stand right infront of you and she lifted up your gaze.

"Just the sight of you is able to make me forgive you." She whispers and presses a kiss to your forehead.

You stood and stared at eachother, both grinning like idiots until Taylor bought you both back into reality.

"So I'm gonna go! Love you mum!" She smiles and hugs you. She skips off and you turn back to Larissa.

"I got a few days off so if you would let me take you out on a date, text me." You smile and hand her your number before walking out of the school.

Larissa had never been happier.

1065 words

Yayyy happiness:)

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