Beautiful Ballerina

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Ballet was your life, your passion. You were lucky enough to have been successful and became famous. Performing to millions over the years. You even became a Dame.

You had recently been asked to teach a duet for a new play at the west end. Luckily, you had choreographed that dance many years before, it was easy enough to learn.

On the first day of training, 2 very tall people walked in. They looked about 6'3 and 6'5. Still had the shape for a dancer though.

"Hello I am Y/N Hill, you refer to me as Ms Hill, got that? So I just so happened to choreograph this piece so I do know what I am doing. Have either of you done ballet before?"

The woman nods but the wobbles his hand. He's probably not done lots.

"Did you get graded Ms?"
"Ms Christie, and yes I did!"
"So Ms Christie, what grade did you do?"
"I did up to intermediate on ISTD!"
"Oh good, what did you get on your exams?"
"Mostly distinctions and a couple of high merits. On my Grade 6 exam, I got 99!"
"Ms Christie you say?"
"Yes Ms Hill?"
"I do believe my mother was your examiner, highest score she's ever given."
"That's  a nice coincidence!"
"I actually did your music!"
"Oh cool!"

You smile at her. You'd had a crush on her when you were younger. You were 15 and did her music for all her exams.

"So Ms Christie, have you seen your solo part in the duet?"
"Yes I have!"
"Ok, you practice that while I teach this gentleman!

You start to teach the man the start, being his partner. He picked it up very quickly. You leave him to practice after about an hour, going to see Ms Christie.

"So, how's it going?"
"Great, I think it's almost perfect!"
"Ok then, show me!"

She puts the music in the right place, and starts to dance. This was a pointe solo aswell. She had almost perfected it on pointe.

"Ms Christie, have you done this before?"
"Yes, I learnt it about a year ago, after I decided to go back to ballet. I learnt it off pointe and about 3 months ago did it on pointe!"
"Well you are one incredible young lady!"
"Thank you!"
"Shall we go check on Mr. Blair?"

She nods and follows you into the other studio.
Mr Blair shows you what he had done and you were impressed, better than you had inspected. You gave him a few points and a  couple of demonstrations before letting him continue.

You walk out to the hall, signalling for Ms Christie to join you.

"So Ms Christie, would you like a drink?" you say, turning on the kettle.
"Please call me Gwendoline and yes, I would thank you!"
"Ok Gwendoline!"

You pour  both of you a cup of tea and sip it slowly in awkward silence.

"So what was the highest score you got on an exam Ms Hill?" Gwendoline said
"Why do you think I became a famous ballerina? I loved ballet and put my all into it. I spent 3 months practising 9 hours a day to get that 100!" You reply sternly.
"Yeah, it's alot of work!"
"So, do you know the whole dance?"
"Yes but not on pointe!"
"Let's go work on that."

You walk back into the studio. She puts on her pointe shoes and so do you. You turn on the music and started to dance. You did move after move, getting lost in the music. Although you loved ballet, no other ballerina had done this as good as you. It was your piece. Even the person you choreographed it for, she couldn't make her legs extend as far or her pirouettes as sharp as yours.
The music finished and Gwendoline clapped.
"Well done Ms Hill, incredible!"
"I know, now you practice, I'll be back!"

You walk out the room. You had to be hard on her, you couldn't let your crush from 30 years ago get in the way. You went to see Mr Blair. He was doing better, not performance ready, but good still. You decided maybe dancing with him would help and it did. You looked in the mirror and he was doing well.

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