I guess getting drunk isn't so bad after all

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You were sat in the common room on the set of a new show, Wednesday. You played the character of Wednesday's twin sister, Thursday.
You were sat chatting with the cast, it was your last day before Christmas break.
"Why don't we have a party tonight? Alcohol, games, music?" Christina suggested
We all agreed.
"Meet me at the hotel at 7 30, I'll get a back room." She says
You finish filming your scenes with Jenna and head back to the hotel.
You had no clue what to wear. You had a secret crush on your co-star, Gwendoline Christie but one she probably wasn't gay and two you weren't ever going to tell.
You find a little black spaghetti strap dress, this wasn't a formal party so you could wear whatever.

*7 30*
You arrive at the front where, Christina, Jenna, Emma and Catherine were already there. You were waiting on  Joy, Gwendoline and Naomi.
You head to the room anyway, they were going to be late.
Christina pours everyone shots and you all drink them. You do 2 more rounds before stopping for a while.
Once everyone arrived, you suggested playing truth, dare, shot.
"Ok, Gwendoline, truth dare or shot." You say
"Truth" she replies
"Ok, what's your sexuality?" You asked. This was your chance to find out.
"Lesbian," she giggles, blushing
Everyone gasps.

"Alright, Catherine, truth dare or shot?" The game continued
After 4 round, Christina asked you
"Y/N, truth, dare or shot?"
"Dare." You say confidently
"Ok I dare you to spin a bottle and whoever it lands on you kiss." She says
"Ok I will. But if I do this let's all play spin the bottle."
You grab a bottle, take a shot and spin it.
Shit- it landed on Gwendoline.
You look at her and stand up. You walk over and kiss her lips. She blushed heavily and took another shot.
Everyone started to play spin the bottle.
The bottle landed on you twice. Once for Christina and once for Emma. You took a shot after every kiss.
By this time, you'd had about 16 shots and were starting to become quite drunk.
Christina put on some music and the others danced while you sat and chatted with her.
"So Ricci, I like someone," you say slurring your words.
"Yeah who?"
"Gwendoline. Why do you think I asked her sexuality and didn't mind playing spin the bottle."
"Oh god, y/n you are mega drunk she says."
Gwendoline walks over and you say hi.
Christina walks away, winking at you.
Gwendoline wasn't as drunk as you but still reasonably drunk.
"So Gwendoline I like you and will you fuck me?" You blurt out.
"Yeah," she replies.
You slam her against the wall and startbmaking out with her.
"Go get a room" Christina yells.
You guys leave the party and go to your room.
You continue your make out session but before it can go anywhere. You black out.
You wake up next to Gwendoline in your bed.
What happened you think? And then you remember. You look at your neck that was covered in dark purple hickeys.
When Gwendoline woke up, you ask her something.
"So do you actually like me or where you drunk because I like you," you say not breaking eye contact.
"Yeah I do. I really like you Y/N. I wouldn't have admitted it sober though," she replied.
"I guess getting drunk wasn't so bad after all," you say before Gwendoline starts kissing you.

586 words.
Sorry its a short one but I'm really busy. Hope you enjoy 🫶❤️🫶❤️

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