Be my valentine?

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It was valentines day and you were sat in the restaurant all alone. Your girlfriend had broken up with you 2 days ago but you still went to dinner. You sat there alone, twiddling your thumbs, seeing all the happy couples. It made you want to cry. Your food arrives, you just push it around your plate, you weren't very hungry.

You look and see a gorgeous woman across the restaurant, you might have gotten a little crush. She was probably waiting for her date though, you didn't have any chance. You look back at your plate, feeling a presence infront of you. You look up and see the woman infront of you.

"Hey, can I help you?" You stare
"Umm, can I sit here?"
"Don't you have like a date?"
"No sadly, my girlfriend broke up with me yesterday and I came here for our reservation anyway, you seemed lonely so I thought I would come check on you!"
"Yeah you can sit!"
"So why are you here alone?"
"Same story just I was broken up with 2 days ago,"
"Oh ok! What's your name?"
"Y/N! What about you?"
"Gwendoline!" She offers out her hand
You take it, pulling it in for a kiss. She blushes like a cherry and looks away.

"I didn't mean to embarrass you, I just think you are incredible!"
"No one has ever said that!" She smiles widely
"Well I can list off everything incredible about you or we can get to know eachother better!"
"I'd like to get to know you y/n," she smiles
"I'd like to get to know you too," you smile even wider.

You sit there, talking about everything you could. She was such a bubbly and happy person, you enjoyed her company so much. As she spoke, you stared at her hands, they were so long and slender, utterly gorgeous.
"Y/n, darling, you are staring!" She chuckle
"I'm sorry, like I said, you are beautiful!" You blush.
"Why don't we leave and take a walk!"
"I'd like that!" You smile again, she made you feel happy. You pay and walk out the restaurant. You decide to walk alongside the canal.

"It's a beautiful night tonight isn't it!" Gwendoline says, turning to you
"Where I'm standing it's perfect!" You say. You couldn't see but you guessed she was blushing. 
"Hey, why don't we go get some hot chocolates, a couple of burgers and some waffles and have a mini picnic in the park!" You laugh
"Is this a date?" She chuckles
"Well we still have 4 hours left of valentines day, so do you want to be my valentine?" You giggle, smiling widely.
"Of course!"

You walk back to the restaurant and both get in your cars, meeting by the local food van. The sold everything, waffles, doughnuts, kebabs, burgers, hotdogs, fries, hot chocolate, coffee, tea. You see Gwendoline was already there and ordering the food. You walk up to her as she's searching for her wallet. You whip out your phone, tapping the machine before she can grab it.
"Too late, I've paid!" You smile
"Y/n, you should've let me!"
"Well I think a princess like you deserves special treatment!"
She grabs your hand squeezing it tightly. You stand to the side, waiting for your food. The man hands you 2 paper bags and 2 drinks and you each take one.

You guide Gwendoline back to your car before opening the boot. You grab out a couple of blankets and pillows, tucking them under your arm before grabbing the food. You walk with her to the park, a smile not leaving your face. You lay down the blanket and sit down, patting the spot next to you. Gwendoline sits next to you and you hand her a pillow. She smiles.
You open your bag to find, 2 burgers and fries and 2 hotdogs. In Gwendoline's there was 2 waffles and 6 doughnuts.
"Do we need this much food?" You laugh
"No but oh well!"
You hand her a burgers and hotdog, still laughing about the food.

"Y/n, you are really pretty, did you know that!" She blushes
"No one has ever called me pretty!" You say, a tear forming in your eye.
"What not even your girlfriend?"
"Not in 6 years, no!"
"Oh love, she didn't deserve you, you are the prettiest person I've ever seen!"
"Oh says the literal angel sat next to me!" You laugh.
"An angel doesn't compare to a goddess!" She replies.
"Ok, considering you  think I'm prettier than you, tell me one insecurity and I'll tell you why I love it!"
"My height."
"It means there is more gorgeous person to admire and EVERYONE had to look up to you!"
"Ok now you!"
"My hair."
"Your curly hair is gorgeous and matches you perfectly, it's so soft and fluffy!"
"Thank you for that!" You lie down on your back
"No thank you, you made me feel better!" She lies down next to you.
You lay next to eachother, staring up at the stars.
"Oh look a shooting star!" You sit up
You make a wish that Gwendoline will be yours forever
"Did you make a wish?" She asks
"Yeah, you?"

She lies back and you lay on her chest. She sits their playing with your hair.
"I'm really glad your my valentines, Gwen," you say
"So am I, I'm glad to have met you!"

907 words
For all my single people out there this valentines

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