When i kissed the teacher~ Larissa

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Larissa Weems was the Principal of Nevermore academy. She was looked up to massively by all the students, not just for her smarts and wit, but for her looks as well.

A while ago, a vote went around the school on who was the hottest teacher, and she won by a landslide. But everyone knew she was insecure. She would never take part in anything that meant her getting dirty, wet, or ruining her hair and makeup.

Last year, on the hottest day of the year, a bunch of students got a massive tub of water and dumped it over her head. She screamed and started to cry, freaking out when her hair fell out of place and her mascara started to run. She rushed to her office and didn't show her face for a week. Everyone felt bad as it was just supposed to be a harmless prank.

You were in your History lesson one day when your teacher didn't show up. You were all talking and making jokes across the classroom.

"So who do you have a crush on?" Your best friend Yoko asked.
"I ain't telling you." You say laughing.
"It's Weems isn't it?" She asks making you blush at the thought of the Headmistress.

You were very close to Weems. You had some problems when you first started at Nevermore, 6 years ago and she helped you immensely.

She was the first one who you came out to but now everyone knows your a massive Lesbian. On Friday nights, you would sit in her office and gossip about the school and celebrities and your crushes.

She eventually confided in you about her sexuality and how she didn't trust people after having her heart broken by none other than Morticia Frump.

"Well, I'll make a bet with you, if you can kiss her by the end of the week, I'll give you $100." She smirks mischievously.

"No way in hell $100 is enough for me to try and kiss her!" You say annoyed.

"Who are you going to kiss?" Wednesday asks, who was on the other side of the room.
"No one."
"I bet her $100 she wouldn't kiss Weems!" Yoko calls across to her.
"I want in on that!" Ajax calls.
"Same here!" Xavier adds.
"I'll bet $500 but it has to be in front of everyone," Bianca says smugly.

You thought about it for a minute. You had the chance to kiss Weems and make a bunch of money. The only problem is it could ruin your friendship with her.

The whole class decides to join in and now, the bet stands at $2400. Even Wednesday Addams was interested.

Then the teacher walked in. But when you looked up, it wasn't your usual history teacher. It was no other than Larissa Weems.

You start to blush as everyone turns to look and laugh at you.

"Now what's so interesting about Ms      y/l/n?" Weems says curiously, making everyone's heads snap around to face her. She smirked over at you before starting the lesson.

You listen until you have to start work. Instead of working, you and Yoko sit and chat. She made you laugh loudly and everyone looked at you.

"Ms tanaka and Ms y/l/n, be quiet." Weems snapped, making you laugh even more.

"You have to do it now." Yoko whispers.
"I know that dumbass but I can't just walk up to her and kiss her." You whisper yell.
"Misbehave or something, get her attention." She says, giving you an idea.

You rip a piece of paper out of  your notebook and scrunch it into a ball. You threw it at her head as she was writing something om the board. Everyone started to laugh as she looked up angrily.

"Who threw that!?" She yelled angrily.

Everyone pointed at you. She stood up from her desk and walked over to yours. She leant over the desk, her face inches away from yours. Before she could utter a word. You grabbed her cheeks and pulled her into a kiss. You could hear everybody's shocked gasps that you actually did it.

She pulled away, mouth open in shocked. I was holding my breath, waiting to be yelled at or berated but she just smiled.

When she turned away and sat at her desk, no one had ever seen her blush and she looked like a fool. Bright pink cheeks and a cheesy grin on her face.

"My office 4pm Ms y/l/n." She calls as you walked out of the lesson.

It was now 1 30pm and lunch break. As you were sat with Yoko, Bianca, Enid and Wednesday, the class started coming over and handing you your money.

But as Larissa walked past, her heart was broken.

"I still can't believe you kissed her as part of a bet! That was so entertaining though y/n." Ajax laughs, handing you your money.

You kissed her for a bet? Larissa quickly made her way to the office, tears threatening to fall. Little did anyone know, she'd had a crush on you for quite a long time now.

Your lessons finished at 3 30, so you had just enough time to change before meeting Weems. It was Mid June so quite warm.

You threw on a pair of shorts and a sports bra, it was too hot for anything else.

The clock hit 3 55 and you left quickly.

You knocked the office door three times before hearing a faint come in.

"Ms Weems, you wanted to see me?" You say confidently
"Yes, we need to talk about your recent actions." She says sternly.

You sat infront of her desk.

"We do not take sexual assault lightly here. Especially involving staff members. And especially if its for a bet. And your outfit is inappropriate. " She states.
"What do you mean?" You ask.
"You kissed me in your lesson then I overheard on conversation with some students about how there was a bet going around that you couldn't kiss me. I don't like my feelings being toyed with." She says, her voice breaking at the end.

You giggled slightly before smiling.

"Do you like me Ms Weems?" You tease.
"I- uh um uh." She stutters.

You didn't know where your confidence came from but you stood up and walked around the desk before straddling her lap and wrapping your arms around her neck.

"Because I like you." You whisper. "Larissa."
You pull her into a  soft kiss, taking her by surprise at first. But she melted into it, pulling away when she needed air.

"This better not be another bet." She grumbles.
"That was just some stupid thing Yoko started and Wednesday overheard and got the whole class involved. But since I succeeded, I think I might use my winnings to take my lady out on a date." You smirk playfully.
"I'm your lady now am I?" She scoffs.
"Will you do me the honour of being my Lady, Larissa Weems?" You ask.
"I would like nothing more." She smiles, kissing you once again.

1180 words


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