I hate you and I hate you too

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You were about to film a new LGBTQ series for Netflix. It was called Don't I Deserve Love? and you were quite excited as you were the main character.
There was only one thing, Gwendoline Christie. You hated her, but she just so happened to be your love interest. You had met her before, at countless red carpets. Maybe you were jealous because she had a loving family and lots of friends or maybe you liked her.

You wake up at 5 the next day, groaning. You shower and change and get in your car. You drive to set and head to makeup and hair.
You had worked with this producer many times and most of the crew were the same.
You sat down with your usual artist and she did your makeup and hair.
You then head to wardrobe, and you find your favourite stylist. You chatted for a while, as you got in costume.

Then, Gwendoline walked in.
"Ok Heather, I'm gonna go, see you tomorrow!" You say blowing her a kiss as you leave.
You walk to the green room, looking for Paul, the director. You spot him.
"Hey Paul, what am I doing today?" Paul was like the dad you never had. He was so kind and supportive.
"Hey sweetie, it's nice to see you. You are doing one of the first scenes actually. This is where you meet your love interest."
"Ok thanks Paul, can I quickly run lines with you?"
"Sure honey!"
You sit next to him with a smile. Paul made you feel so safe and this was the only reason you weren't kicking off about Gwendoline.
After a little, Gwendoline turns up and Paul had to go check the sets.
You unlock your phone, scrolling through Instagram.
You post a photo you took with Paul earlier and it starts receiving lots of comments. You try your best to respond to lots of them but it was time for today's briefing.
You listened to Paul then walked over to set 3 for your first scene. You were working at a coffee shop and Gwendoline was a customer. She was going to come in and after she'd drunk her coffee she was going to leave her number with the money.
You were supposed to run out and chase after her, excited to have her number. However, in real life yoy weren't excited.
You got into position and the Paul yelled action.

(Gwendoline enters and walks to the barista)

G: Hey can I have an iced caramel latte?
Y: Yeah, anything else?
G: No thanks!
Y: Ok I'll bring that over in a minute.

You 'make' the drink and take it over.
"That's 3.75, I'll bring over the cheque now."

As your shift continues, you can't take your eyes off her. You stand there staring but soon she gets up and leaves. You go to grab the cash and notice a note.
Call me 01115645498 .
You run out the door searching for this woman.
Yoy read the note and add her contact to your phone.

End scene.

God that was such an awkward scene. You had to act like you were because you had to act like you were head over heels for Gwendoline.
You walk over to Paul
"Hey Paul, was that good?"
"Hey y/n, you did awesome honey," he said hugging you.
"Oh and y/n, we have the kiss scene after lunch."

No, no,no. You head over to hair, getting your hair done for the kiss scene.
You head back to see Heather, exchanging your shirt and apron, foe jeans and a jumper.

You got to the green room and read through your scene.
Gwendoline sits down next to you but you ignore her. You notice she was reading the same part as you.

After lunch, you head to set 8, the outside set. This scene was filmed outside and you were about to get drenched.


(You run frantically out of Gwendoline's house)

"Scarlett wait!" She called. "Scarlett come back, it's tipping it down!"

You continue to run until you are grabbed by an arm. You are turned to face Lara. You stare into her eyes before she grabs your face and pulls you in for a kiss.
"I love you Scarlett," she whispers.
You kiss her back passionately.


You pull quickly out of the embrace and walk back to your trailer.
"Y/N wait!" You hear
"Piss off Gwendoline, I don't want to talk to you!" You yell back.
"Ok, I'll say it now. You are a rubbish kisser!" She laughs and walks off.
You strip off and jump in the shower. You were cold from the rain. You change and go to see Heather, giving her your costume.
"Y/N!!" Paul calls.
"I have a question?"
"Yeah Paul?"
"Are you and Gwendoline dating? You have lots of chemistry!"
"Pft No! We hate eachother!" You say blushing.
"Your cheeks say different. Anyway follow me, we need to talk."

You follow after Paul into his office, Gwendoline is already there.
"So ladies, we need to talk intimacy. As you know you end up in bed together but I need to know your boundaries," Paul smiled.
"I want to be as covered as possible," you say
" I only need to cover the bottom half," says Gwendoline.
"Y/N, are you alright shirtless?"
"I guess so?" You hesitate.

*the intimate scene*


You climb on top of Lara, straddling her waist. You lean forward and kiss her passionately. She entangled her fingers into your hair and you wrap your hands around her neck.


You both pull away, but you don't feel the urge to run away. You slowly slide off her, covering your chest.
She follows you to wardrobe.
You both change and go to your trailers.

Later there is a knock on the door.
"Hey wanna get some food?" Gwendoline appears
"With you, ew," you reply
"Can't we call this little thing quits. I mean we have to kiss about 100 more times!"
"I don't know?" You say.
Suddenly she pins you against the wall, smashing your lips together. Subconsciously, your arms snake around her neck and you lean into the kiss.
Suddenly you pull away.
"Uh I hate you!" You say, trying to escape her grip.
"Your kiss says otherwise!" She smirks.
She pushes you back and you say fuck it.
You connect your lips and kiss her. She deepens the kiss. She puts her leg between your thighs which flustered you.
You both pull away, gasping for air
"I hate you!" You laugh
"And I hate you too!"

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