When life gives you lemons, make lemonade

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Your family had owned a farm for hundreds of years and it was your favourite place. Walking on the acres of land, seeing all the animals, and tasting the sweet fruit, it was a dream.

Your family had decided to hold a market at the farm to generate more money. You were in charge of the fruit.
One early Sunday morning, you were picking apples and lemons and people were already arriving. The stalls were all set up, just waiting on the fruit.

Your parents open the market as you ran over with your fruit. You stand there chatting happily away with regular customers and new people. You were looking around and spotted someone who towered over everyone else.
She turned to face you, and you immediately blushed. She was so gorgeous. Her lips, her smile, her eyes, her skin, her hands, everything. She made her way over.

"Hello, can I have some lemons please?" She smiled
You looked down and realised you'd run out.
"Oh, I'm all out! Do you want to come to pick them with me?" You ask.
"I would love too!" She smiled even wider.
She was so cute it made you giggle.

You directed her over to your fruit trees. You walked in a seemingly comfortable silence. You hand her a basket and show her how to pick them properly.
You giggle as she tries and you show her again.
"How are you so good at this!" She exclaimed
"Practice! Here let me help you," you smile and stand next to her.
You place her hands onto the lemon, feeling her soft skin. You blushed.
You placed your hands on top of hers and twist the lemon carefully, pulling at the same time.
"Thank you! I'm sorry, I don't know your name!" She says turning to face you.
"Y/n!" You offer out your hand.
"Gwendoline!" She pulls your hand to her lips, kissing it softly.
You continued picking lemons, still in silence.

"So how long have you lived here?" She breaks the silence.
"27 years, all my life!" Yoy reply.
"Wow, you must love it!"
"I do, it's my happy place!"
"So do you have a boyfriend or a husband who live here with you?" She asks, blushing.
"Bit forward aren't you?" You laugh, "But no, I don't I'm single. And look closely at my jacket!"
She peers closer and sees your lesbian pin.
"Oh so you like women?" She giggles
"You like that?" You smirk
"Maybe!" She smirks.

You go to step back and trip over a stray lemon. You stumble backwards and are caught by a pair of strong arms. You look up to see Gwendoline smiling down at you. She pulls you back up.

"Thanks for that!"
"That's alright, it was quite funny though!"
"Well, if you find me so funny why don't you stay for a while? I'll give you a tour of the farm, we can do more fruit picking and I might fall over again!" You laugh at the last part.

"What about the market?"
"I'll drop the lemons back and they can deal without me!"
"Ok, I would love too!"

You walk back to your parents and let them know what your doing.

"Tractor or walk?" You ask as you pass the tractor.
"Walk, it's a nice day!"
You show her the animals, telling her all their names and she giggles. You show her how to pick the other fruits and you have to help her.

Suddenly, your great dane, Mason, runs up to you and jumps up at her.
She stumbles back and you catch her.
"Mason, no! I'm so sorry Gwendoline, he's just really playful!"
"No it's ok, I love dogs!"
She sits on the ground and plays with him.

Suddenly your brain drifts to another world. In this world, you are married to her, taking early morning walks, cuddling with Mason on the sofa, watching movies in the barn. You look over to her, your other dogs, Lucy and Winston have come over. She's sat cuddling them all, laughing and smiling. Her laugh was so cute.

"Come play with us y/n!" She calls you over.
You sit next to her and immediately Winston jumps on you.
You giggle.
After a while you both get up and walk back to the entrance to the farm. She gave you her number and left.
You felt like a giddy teenager.

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