Gym Crush

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You always spent alot of time at the gym as a teenager. You wanted to have the best body and be the prettiest.
As you left school and went to university, you learned that is doesn't matter as much.
You had decided to study health at uni so applied for a job at the gym you had belonged too.
You started working there and it was really fun. You started doing personal training with clients and it was nice to interact with people on a more personal level.

After about 3 months of working there, you see a woman walk in who'd you never seen before. She scanned her membership and walk on through. You stopped writing the email you were sending and stare as she walks into the changing rooms.

After a couple of weeks, she finally comes to talk to you.
"Hello, I need a personal trainer!"
"Hello Ma'am, I can help you with that! What day and time were you thinking?"
"Twice a week, Tuesdays and Fridays, around 4pm?"
"Umm can you do 4 30 on those days. We only have one trainer free on those days at that time!"
"Perfect! When do I start?"
"Well you can have a consult with them at 4 30 as it is Friday and we can start you as early as next Tuesday!"
"Brilliant! Who is my trainer?"
"You are looking at her!" You chuckle

You see a smile creep up on her face and its so contagious. She turns and walks off. You'd had your fair share of gym crushes in your time but never as strong as this one. From the moment you first laid eyes on her, you had fallen in love. She was so gorgeous, even sweaty.
You clock watch until 4 30 when she arrives back at reception.

"Hello Ma'am, let's go to an office!" You say walking out from behind the desk.

"Ok and please don't call me Ma'am, it makes me feel old!" She laughs
"Oh yes, I never caught your name?"
"Gwendoline, Gwendoline Christie!"
"You're kidding!"
"Nope it's me!"
"That's why you looked so familiar!"

You always knew you recognised her but could never place her face. She follows you and you get to the plan.
*after the meeting*

"Well I think that's everything Ms. Christie, I'll see you Tuesday!" You say cheerily.
She offers out her hand.
"My pleasure!" And as she takes your hand, she pulls it to her face and kisses it.
You blush as you feel your heart beating faster than the speed of light.
She giggles and walks out.

Over the next couple of days, she was your only thought. And that kiss, even if it was only on your hand.
You woke up Tuesday, giddy with excitement. You put on your uniform and drive to work. You had reception in the morning but it meant you could clock watch.
At 2pm, you started with your first client. At 3 30, your next one comes. You hurry their session towards the end, you want to be on time for Gwendoline.
Your client leaves and you spot the Goddess across the gym. You walk up to her, she towers over you.

"Hey Ms Christie! You ready?"
"Yeah and please call me Gwendoline. Sorry, I never caught your name!"
"Oh I'm y/n!"
"That's really pretty!"
"A little flirty are we Gwendoline?" You giggle, leading her to the treadmill.
She blushes and hops on. She runs for 20 minutes and you spend that time admiring her. She was so gorgeous. She jumps off and you lead her over to some weights. You grab 2 dumbbells and walk back over to her.

"Now tell me, are those too heavy?" You ask, handing her the weights.
"No they are just heavy enough!"
"Ok can I have them and I'll demonstrate!"
She hands you the weights and you start showing her. You start with squats. You spot in the mirror she's staring. You blush and stand up, handing her the weights.
She copies you and you start to giggle, she was really cute.
She turns to look at you, your faces inches apart.

"Was that alright?"

You stare into her deep blue eyes before shaking yourself out the trance. You show her some more exercises and she copies them.

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