Darling~ Larissa Weems

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You had been hired at a school for outcasts. Nevermore academy. You were the new assistant for the Principal and you were excited to meet her. Her sweet British accent sung in your ears all throughout the drive. You had only ever spoken to her on the phone but were hoping she was as gorgeous as her voice.

You pull through the gates as the heavens open above you, making for the perfect welcome. You parked your car, grabbing your steamer trunks as you walked to the main reception.

You are greeted by what looked to be about at 70 year old assistant.

"Hello, I'm y/n, I'm Principal Weems' new assistant!" You say excitedly, probably to enthusiastic.
The person nods and walks off. You take a seat in what seemed the waiting room.
You look around taking in all the architecture. Although you were a shapeshifter, you never attended Nevermore, you were sent away to Italy  to go to school.

You soon hear that oh so sweet voice you've wanted to grace your ears. You look around to see a amazingly tall woman, body like a goddess with a figure-hugging dress on. You could feel a blush creeping up on your face as she approaches.

You stand up, straightening out your clothes before she reaches you.

"Hello darling, you must be my new assistant!" She says in a cheery tone that you would never get sick of.
"Yes I am, I'm y/n y/l/n." You smile, taking the hand she had offered you.

She had a strong grip and shook your hand firmly before picking up one of your cases.

"Oh Mrs Weems, you don't have to do that, I can carry them!" You almost sound annoyed as you go to take the bag from her.
"No it's ok darling, I can carry it. And also I'm not married, just call me Larissa!"
"I'm not married?" She gives you a confused look as you just stare at her.
"No I'm just shocked you aren't married, you are really pretty." Oh you weren't supposed to say that.
"Oh thank you darling, no one has every said that!" You see her break your eyecontact, looking away. As much as she was trying to hide it, you could see she was blushing. You giggle slightly before she regains her composure.

She takes you to a nicely decorated dorm, helping you with your bags before she took you om a tour. You only half listened, you were too focused on her. You watched as her hips swayed and how she moved her hands. Oh those long fingers. You could imagine them. . . . . . Nevermind.

"You got that darling?" She turns to face you.
"Mhm." You nod awkwardly. You didn't get any of that. But you wanted to get some of . . . . . . . . Yeah you have a dirty mind.

She then took you to her office and motioned you to sit down. She gave you an ipad with access to all her meetings and engagements, it would automatically update when she changed something.

She also handed you a laptop, for you to send emails and work. How rich was this school? She then handed you an iPhone for 'work purposes'. This school was mega rich.

"Ok well meet me here tonight at 6 for dinner, see you later darling." She smiles as you grab your stuff, walking back to your room.

You put all your clothes away before getting out your ipad, looking at all the stuff your boss had planned.
Soon it was 5:55 so you decided to leave for dinner. You grabbed your new phone before shoving it in your pocket and walking to Larissa's office. You saw her outside waiting.

"6pm om the dot. Impressive." She nods slightly, like she was the queen or something.
You jokingly curtsy, which makes her let out a little giggle.

You walk down to the dining hall and you are greeted by all the teachers. You go to sit down next to a redhead teacher but Larissa insisted you sat next to her. You made polite conversation with her and the other teachers before going back to your room.

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