Sweet, sweet Brienne pt.2

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It had been many moons since you'd left Brienne that day. You still loved her and hoped one day you would find her again. But alas, you had been caught be Cersei. You had escaped death but was now a slave to her.

There was only one good thing about being captured, you could talk to Jamie. You found out that him and Brienne had been having relations although he fathered Cersei's children. He would disappear which angered Cersei, she was discovering his relations with Brienne. When he would return, he would inform you of her well being. He never mentioned you to her though.

Soon you found out that he had knighted Brienne, a title that she deserved.

One night he returned to help Cersei at King's Landing. That dreadful night was when Daenerys and her one remains dragon charged through King's Landing, incinerating everything. That night, Cersei and Jamie died in eachothers arms, killed by a collapsing ceiling.

You had been freed finally. As you were escaping, you could hear screams, Jamie's screams. So he wasn't dead like people had said.

You followed them, finding him and his weak body, dragging him out. He was barely living but he was, just about. Cersei was dead though, that was true.

You dragged him away, finding a living horse and helping him on. You jumped on and rode toward a Winterfell, where you knew Brienne would be.

You found an Inn after riding for a long time, stopping for a little, bathing and feeding Jamie. He was breathing better now and could just about talk. He was well enough to make the long trip.

You kept travelling, determined to get to your sweet, darling Brienne. Jamie's health was deteriorating as you travelled further, having to stop more and more.

Soon you reached Winterfell. You helped Jamie off the horse and walked into the grounds. Queen Sansa saw Jamie in your arms and hurried over.

"Ser Jamie! Where have you been? Brienne is heartbroken!" She almost shouts
"And who are you?" She turns to you
"Y/n, Can you be so kind to tell Ser Brienne I'm here, I need to talk to her." You sigh, knowing she probably didn't want to talk.
"Follow me." She smiles and you follow her down the winding passages and you stop outside a door.

Sansa knock softly and you could hear muffled sobs getting closer to the door.

"Yes my queen?" She whispers as she opened the door
"Please again, call me Sansa. And I have 2 people here to see you." She steps back to show you and Jamie stood there.

"Y/n! I thought you were dead?" She cries, hugging you.
"Cersei got me. She's dead now. And Jamie would be too if I hadn't heard his screams."
Tears roll down her cheeks.

"I'm going to nurse Ser Jamie back to health and I will let you two have some time alone." Sansa smiles, taking Jamie out of your arms.

Brienne welcomed you in and you sat on her bed.
"It's nice to see you again Ser Brienne." You smile at the title
"What? How did you know?"
"Jamie, he would tell me all about you every time he went running back to Cersei. Just know I left because I was pr-" you were cut off by her lips on yours, kissing you lovingly.
"Brienne? I thought you loved Jamie?"
"I do, but I love you more." She smiles and you join your lips together again, kissing her passionately.

"Oh how I've missed you my sweet sweet Brienne."  You sigh, kissing her.
She deepens the kiss and it becomes rougher and more filled with lust.
You pull away.
"Another time Brienne, let's just rest."

You both lay in the bed, encased in her arms. You moved closer to her, wanting to feel her warmth.

"I love you Brienne."
"I love you too y/n."

652 words

Short but a happy ending <3

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