Love story pt.2

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It had been about a year since you and Gwendoline got married and you were still as in love with eachother as ever. She still had to leave for months at a time to film stuff and you missed her dearly. She was struggling with paparazzi due to the fact she was now part of the Royal family and also would be the first queen and queen with you. Your father was really good though and gave her lots of security.

One night, you were on the phone to gwen when your dad came in.

"Love, I'm just going to mute myself for a minute." You say to your wife before turning to your dad.

"Honey, when can Gwendoline come home?"
"Why dad?"
"Well I have a big announcement and I need her here."
"Let me ask."

Y: Hey love, when can you be home? Dad says it's important
G: I don't know, we are right I'm the middle of filming.

"Dad, how long do you need her for?"
"The evening."

Y: Gwen, dad said he only needs you for an evening
G: Let me email the directors and I'll ask and get back to you. I'm going to go now love anyway. I love you
Y: I love you too!

You hang up and turn back to your dad.

"She's finding out. What is the news?"
"I can't tell you!"
"Why dad."
"Because you will freak out and shut down without your wife here." He chuckles hugging you
"Anyway, have you spoken to Arthur?" You ask
"Oh yes, still can't find a girlfriend poor boy."
"Oh, when is he coming to visit?"
"He's just finding a date, preferably not when your wife is here, I know how she gets jealous!" You both chuckle

You both lay on your bed talking about stuff until it gets late and your dad leaves. Just as you were about to fall asleep, gwen texted you.

Gwen💓: Hey hon, I can come next Friday evening and the whole weekend!

You: Yay, see you then my love

You kiss your photo of her before falling asleep.

*next friday*

You and your dad get to the airport just as Gwendoline's flight landed. You weaved through the crowds, very noticeably considering you had 6 security guards with you. Suddenly you see your wife walking towards you. You run and jump into her arms, kissing her softly. You hop down and walk back to meet your father.

"Nice to see you Gwendoline." Your dad hugs her
"Nice to see you too James." She hugs him back.

They still had a very awkward relationship but you dealt with it. You now had 8 security guards with you and it was hilarious. You made your way back to the Palace and showered with your wife before going to dinner.

You both head downstairs after having changed and you were very nervous.
You sit down at the table, your father at the head and you and Gwen to his left.

"So dad, whats the big announcement?" You smile anxiously
"I'm stepping down from King, you both will be Queen."
"WHAT?" You yell. Your wife pulls you close, hugging you tightly. She kissed your forehead lightly, making you calm down.
"This is why I didn't tell you, because I knew this would happen!"
"Dad, I'm 26, I can't rule a country!"
"Honey, you are perfectly capable and I'm not going anywhere, it's just to tiring for me that's all."
"I don't know dad, I mean Gwens away all the time and it's alot and I don't know!"
"Y/n, I wouldn't step down if I didn't think you were ready, I know you are."
"And my love, I will stop if you need me too!" Your wife adds, kissing your cheek.
"No Gwen. Don't you dare stop acting! I will figure it out ok!"

You take a deep breath and walk back into your room. You sit out on one of your balconies and admire the view. You would soon be ruling this land and you had no clue how. No clue how to hold fancy state dinners, make speeches to millions, how to do anything.

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