Harvest festival~ Larissa

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Tw: mentions of r@pe slight smut

You were 19 and had just moved to a small town called Jericho. You were a witch and attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

You were now working as a barista in the local cafe, the Weathervane. You didn't need too, you were from a wealthy pure blood family but your family weren't racist to muggleborns or half bloods.

The town was buzzing as apparently the annual harvest festival was around the corner. People were skeptical though, as Nevermore students would be in attendance. You didn't care, you were an outcast after all.

You signed up for a job operating one of the game booths. It paid more for a week than your job at the weathervane did in a month.

Soon the festival opened and you sat in your booth, waiting for someone to play.

It was very busy and you had lots of customers. Towards the end of the evening, once it had quietened down, a woman appeared at your booth.

"Hello darling, how much?"

"$2 for 3 plays $5 for 9." You say, not looking up.

She places $5 on the counter and you hand her 9 darts. You had to pop 5/10 balloons to get a prize, and if you hit all 10 (not impossible) you won a massive prize.

This woman hit all 10, although being quite short and she chose a big unicorn Teddy.

"Give it to the blonde woman on the bench over there, and tell her Marilyn says sorry!" She smiles cheerily and skips off.

You sigh and walk over, placing the toy on the bench.

"Marilyn says sorry" You say bluntly before turning to leave. As you reach your booth and look over at the woman, she's tearing the head of the toy off.

You giggle and walk back over.

"You alright there miss?"

She ignores you and starts pulling out the stuffing. You snatch it out of her hands, making her attention turn to you.

"I'm not letting you gut this innocent animal." You laugh as she looks at you shocked.

"Well the person who won it for me is stupid so the animal is stupid." She growls, folding her arms.

"How about I win you another one?" You shrug and she blushes.

You offer out a hand which she takes very gracefully. She's stumbling across the muddy ground when you notice she has heels.

"Can I pick you up?" You ask.


"Cause you can't walk!" You exclaim and she blushes again. She nods and you scoop her up bridal style.

Her head rests on your shoulder until you sit her down behind the booth.

You pick up 9 darts and go around to the front.

You hit all 10 balloons with one spare. You pick up your last panda and hand it to her.

"Thank you!" She giggles, kicking her feet.

"You're welcome " you hesitate you don't know her name.

"Larissa." She tells.

"You're welcome Larissa, beautiful name to match a beautiful lady." You wink and for the third time in 15 minutes, she blushes.

You close up your booth and offer to take her home.

"No it's ok!" She says quickly

"I'm not letting a pretty lady get home in the dark by herself. Where do you live?" You insist.

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