Together ~ Miranda

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Tw: for legit the whole thing, I am too lazy to list out it.

You were working in your office when you heard someone crying. You walked out into the office and saw all your employees crowding someone.

"Hey! What's going on?" You yell, pushing through the crowd. In the center, you see your wife sobbing on the floor.

"Hey, hey baby, what happened?" You ask, crouching down to her level.

She trued to say something but she's sobbing so hard you can't make out what she's saying.

"Baby, let's go to my office." You whisper, lifting her off the floor and to your office.

Once in your office, you lock the door and sit next to her on the sofa.

"A-ad-adrian." She stutters out.

"What about him baby?"

"He's threatening me." She sobs.

"He's in prison baby, for stalking you."

"He escaped." She whispers.

"Well I'll get him baby I'm the one who put him behind bars." Your phone started to ring.

Y: Hello, Detective Hilmarson speaking.

?: hello, I'm calling about your wife's recent egg retrieval.

Y: Oh Hello, is everything OK?

Dr: Sadly, all of the eggs are unusable.

Y: ok, thank you.

You feel tears in your eyes.

"Who was that?" Miranda asked, seeing your distress.

"It didn't work. It didn't work baby!" You cry, falling into her arms.

"What can we do?" She asks timidly.

"Adoption or we can use my eggs and I can still carry."

"No baby, you've been through enough, let's go for adoption." She sighs, holding you close.

"Are you sure baby? I know you wanted your own child so badly especially after what happened with Adrian."

"Yeah baby, I'm sure. Let's adopt, maybe one of the children you worked with?" She suggests.

"Yeah baby, but I want to make one more call before this."

You ring up the fertility clinic and ask them to double check if all her eggs were unusable.

It turned out the were mistaken and they had 3 fertilised eggs.

You made an appointment to gey the eggs transfered for you to carry.

You walked out to Miranda's desk smiling happily.

"What baby?" She asks looking at you confused.

"The clinic made a mistake, we can have our baby!" You smile cheesily and Miranda leaped into your arms. Peppering kisses all over your face, you laughed at her, just happy that you could have your baby.

Miranda lifted you up and span you around, overjoyed for both of you.

Miranda made her comfort in your arms and you let her lay there as you worked.

Once your shift was over, you both went home and and Miranda cracked open two beers and lit a cigarette before handing you the packet.

"Nope!" You stomped out her cigarette.

"Why?" She whines.

"If I have to give up smoking and drinking, so do you. We can have a beer tonight but no more cigarettes."

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