accidentally in love pt 3

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It had been 2 months since Larissa's life had been turned upside down. Her ex and her daughter had turned up and she discovered that she was still hopelessly in love with Y/n.

Larissa hadn't taken you up on your original offer, she had been too scared. She still blamed herself for everything that had happened.  But she had grown close with her daughter. Larissa felt uncomfortable at first, she'd missed some of the key moments in her daughters life. But she and Taylor become close.

They would have movie nights every weekend. They would go shopping every so often. Taylor would sometimes stay over in Larissa's dorm room. She called Larissa mum.

And everytime Taylor called you, gushing about Larissa, your heart just broke.

You had no right to be upset by this, you told Larissa to go, you never had any contact with her. And you were the one who wanted them to be close.

Since becoming Principal at your school, you were able to work remotely. But you knew you had to go back. So you had booked a flight for a week later. And now you had to tell Taylor.

So you called her (So why don't you just, call Taylor up? -Kris Jenner) and told her to meet you at the weathervane on Thursday, two days before you left.

So Thursday came and you were sat at the weathervane, answering some emails when your daughter walked in. With Larissa.

You shut your laptop and smiled at both of them as Taylor sat down. And Larissa sat down next to her.

"Uh um I bought you a hot chocolate." I mumbled towards Taylor, pushing the drink towards her.

"Oh I forgot to tell you mum was coming! I'm sorry. Let me go grab her a drink." Taylor giggled and slid out of her chair to buy Larissa a drink.

I shouldn't be sad, but I was. She seemed so happy with Larissa. Maybe it was a good thing I was leaving.

Taylor came back with another hot chocolate for Larissa and sat next to her.

"So what did you want to talk about?"

"I um I uhh have to go back to Italy. They need me. I'm sorry." I stutter, not being able to look at the two sets of piercing blue eyes infront of me.

"Oh that's ok! But we've got to go, mum's taking me shopping!" Taylor says and gets up odd her chair, signalling for Larissa to follow her. Tears came to my eyes

"Whoa whoa whoa young lady." Larissa says sternly.

"You do not ever act like that! Not to anyone, ESPECIALLY YOUR MOTHER. She's done SO MUCH for you and you are treating her like this. You act so ungrateful these days. I think I've spoiled you too much. We are going back to Nevermore and you are grounded for 2 months." Larissa says angrily, her eyes like lasers.

"I DID NOTHING!" Taylor yells.

"We do not shout in public young lady. You are acting like a toddler. And you were rude to your mother! Look you've made her cry! She did nothing."

"Ugh fine. Let's go." Taylor groans.

"No. I'm having Vlad pick you up. I would like to talk to your mother."

Larissa calls a teacher and not long later, the teacher arrives and takes Taylor back to Nevermore.

Wiping your tears, you look up at Larissa.

"Darling, are you ok?" She says, taking your hands in hers.

"Yes, she's just never acted like this."

"I'm sorry darling. I'll deal with her later. But this is a bit inappropriate for the situation, but can I take you up ok your offer? Can I take you to dinner tonight?" She asks, blushing.

I giggled slightly and kissed the tip of her nose.

"I don't think I can ever say no to you Larissa."

*6 years later*

It was a few weeks before winter break and the day before yours and Larissa's anniversary. You told her there was a conference that you couldnt miss, no matter how hard you tried. She was sad but understood it was for work. But what she didn't know, was that it was a lie. And you was gonna propose.

The whole school was in on it. You had booked out the while of Larissa's favourite restaurant and all the students were gonna pose as customers. Taylor was telling Larissa that she was going to take her out for dinner since you couldn't make it. But you would be waiting for Larissa when they turned up.

I was sat in the restaurant, menu covering my face as I spotted Larissa and Taylor outside. Larissa was all dolled up and looked stunning. The waitress bought her over to our table.

"Hello? Who arr you?" She asked, sounding confused.

You dropped the menu to the table.

"Happy anniversary my love." You smiled as she squealed and hugged you.

"You said you couldn't make it!!"

"Well I might've told a little white lie baby." You smiled and blushed.

"Well I don't have a present, I was going to get you one for when you come for the holidays." She sighed.

"I don't need a present, you are all I need."

After dinner, we were sat chatting when Larissa said something.

"Baby, are you pregnant again? You seem anxious." She said. You laughed.

"I'm not anxious about that." You slid a pregnancy test across the table. As Larissa was coming to reality with that, you got down on one knee next to her.

She looked down at you and squealed, tears streaming down her face.

"Marry me?" You asked blushing.

"Yes yes yes I will!"

950 words


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