Mentor~ Larissa

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You were 18 and returning for your final year at Nevermore academy.

On your first day, you were in your dorm relaxing when you were called to the Principal's office. You had arrived 2 hours ago, what could he need?

You knocked on the door and he called you in.

"Ahhh y/n, how are you?" He asked smiling.
"Great Principal Weems! Now, what do you need me for?"
"My daughter, Larissa Weems. She's 4 years old and is in need of care, my wife is leaving to deal with some family issues across the country and I'm very busy here, so I was wondering if you could look after her between 7 am and 5 pm. I know you are in your last year and you have exams but I would pay you and you will be granted extra time on your exams." He states nervously.
You stand and think.

"I would love to Principal Weems! When do I meet Larissa?" You smile brightly, making his return.
"Right now!"

About two minutes later, a woman walks out with a small child in her arms. She puts the child on the floor and the child rushes over to Weems.

He picked her up and beckoned for you to go over.

"Larissa, this is y/n and she's going to be looking after you." He speaks sweetly.
"I don't like her!" She grumbles.
"Larissa Weems, be nice. You wanted to stay here instead of with mummy so don't be rude." He says angrily.
"Fine!" She shouts.

You stand there giggling a little, she was really cute. Your headmaster smiles and stands up, bringing Larissa over to you.

"Hey, Larissa! How are you?" You say cheerily, putting on a cheesy smile.
"I don't like you!" She hisses.
"Larissa, be nice," Weems states.
"Daddy, she's ugly."
You gasp at that finding it hilarious while her dad chokes on air, eyes widening.
"Oh my god y/n, I am so so so sorry about her! Don't worry about looking after her now, I'll just do it!" He apologises quickly.
"It's fine Principal Weems, the number of times I've been called ugly by my siblings and cousins is countless. Now I'll take Larissa off of your hands and take her to my dorm," You say confidently and he hands you Larissa. You place her on your hip and she holds on tightly as you walked away.

Back in your dorm, you laid down on your bed, sitting her on top of you. You tried to get her to tell you some stuff about you but she refused. All you knew is that she was British. You could hear her accent, even at this age, when she was talking to her dad.

She refused to speak the whole rest of the afternoon, instead sitting on your bed grumpily.
You took her back to her father at 5 pm as he said.

"So how was she?" He asked hopefully.
"Didn't say a word but behaved nicely." You say with a smile.
"Oh, I'm sorry." He sighs
"It's ok, honestly. I'll see you tomorrow morning!" You smile and wave as you leave.

Every day for 2 months, Larissa Weems refused to speak. She would sit on your lap or next to you in classes and in your dorm, sitting on your bed silently.

But one day, everything changed.

"You're really pretty." She says quietly as you did your makeup.
"Thank you Larissa. It's the makeup that does that." You turn to smile at her.
"You don't need that. You are pretty all the time." Your heart melted. She was so cute.

You walked over to where she sat on the bed. You started to talk about both of your lives. She knew a lot for being 4 but she was really cute.

~7 months later~

Larissa and you had become really good friends. She would run to you every time she saw you, whether that was at dinner with her father, or when you arrived to pick her up every morning. You had to tell her off in a lot of classes because she would talk constantly.

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