The winner takes it all pt.3

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"Auntie y/n!"

"Hey Julia, how's my favourite niece?"

"Good. Mummy says she misses you."

You look behind your niece to see your sister smiling at you.

"Hey Daph."

"Hey y/n, how are you?"

"Alright, how about you, and how's Brittany?" You pull her in for a hug.

"Brittany is fine, I'm ok, Julia missed you."

"I missed her too." You turn your attention back to your niece. You picked her up and sat her on your hip.

It had now been almost 6 years since Gwendoline and Daphne divorced. Gwendoline hadn't spoken to you since then, you and Daphne made up and you got to know your niece.

It was a nice summer day and you were having a picnic with your sister and niece. You hadn't seen them in a couple of months and it was nice to catch up.

Daphne had gotten re married to Brittany who was a lovely woman. Julia loved her and so did your sister so that's all you cared about.

You were still single, so you were never really going to be the winner.

Daphne was yet again a winner, happy wife, happy child, loving family, good job.

The winner takes it all.

You were still modelling but not as busy as you used to be. You hadn't dated anyone in thise 6 years and life was becoming lonely.

Julia was the light of your life and you never wanted to let her go. You knew you would probably never have kids now. And you'd probably die alone.

After your day out, you said goodbye the Julia and Daphne before going home. You had a boiling hot shower it took the pain away.

Then your phone dinged.

G: Hey

Y: Go away

G: Why?

Y: It's been 6 years, I don't want anything to do with you

G: I was busy

Y: For 6 years, I doubt that

G:Please just let's talk.

Y: No



*Gwendoline was blocked*

You sigh heavily. What did she want? You went to sleep not thinking anything of it.

You woke the next morning and got ready to go to a photoshoot. You left for the job and pulled up at the studio.

You went inside and got changed before  going to meet the photographer. And Gwendoline.

Wait Gwendoline?

You walked out and she was stood there with a massive smirk on her face.

"You knew about this didn't you? Why the fuck did you not tell me?" You yell.

"Y/n, calm down. I did know, yes and you blocked me before I could tell you. So ha sucks to be you." She teases.

"Is there anyway I can work with someone else?" You ask the photographer.

"No sorry Ma'am, this was specifically requested."

You eye Gwendoline angrily before starting the shoot.

After a couple of hours, it was time for lunch.

"Let me take you to lunch."

"No, I gave you a chance 6 years ago, you didn't take it!" You say angrily.

Gwendoline One Shots Where stories live. Discover now