Sweet, sweet Brienne~ Brienne of Tarth

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It was a wet and cold night on the journey to Winterfell. You had been attacked by a group of men a few nights before but had been found. Lady Brienne of Tarth and Ser Podrick Payne. They helped you and were taking you to safety.

You rode on Brienne's horse, an excited feeling in your stomach. When you first saw her, there was something beautiful about her. Her eyes. Those beautiful blue eyes.

As the weather conditions worsened, Ser Podrick convinced Brienne they could stop for the night at the near bye Inn. There were only two rooms left so Brienne agreed to share with you.

"Lady Brienne, you look so tired, would you require help to remove your armour?" You question as you enter the room.
"Please, call me Brienne. I do not require help but my I respect your offer."

You sit on the small fur chair that was positioned by the fireplace. You sit there, staring into the dancing flames.
You can hear Brienne grunting, trying to remove her armour.

You look over and see her shivering. You stand up, walking over to her, taking her hands in yours.

"Brienne, please let me help you. You are very cold and tired. Please allow me to help." You kneel infront of her.
"You may."

You help her with her armour, placing it all to one side. You then guide her close the fire, both of you sitting infront of it.

"M'lady, may I sit closer?" She timidly whispered
Of all the stories you'd heard about her, you'd never heard of her being quiet, shy or vulnerable.

You nod and she moves her body next to yours. You can see she's still shivering so ever so slowly, wrap an arm around her.

She didn't flinch, so you dared to move closer, your bodies now touching. You didn't dare do anything else but she did.
She laid her head on your shoulders, breathing deeply.

"Brienne, you are exhausted, let's get you to sleep." You sigh, unwrapping your arm, removing her head from your shoulder.
"Please m'lady, can we sit for longer?"
"Brienne, just call me y/n and no, you need to rest."

You stood up, offering a hand to the woman. She refused the offer, standing up herself and walking over to the chair.
"Brienne, please take the bed. You are the one who saved me." You offer another hand but she refused.
"No y/n, you are the injured one,  please you take it." She gestured towards the bed.

You helped her out the chair, guiding her over to the bed, sitting her down.

"Please Brienne, take the bed" You sigh.
"No, I must refuse, I command you to take it."
"Oh my sweet Brienne, I'm not one of your little guards, you can't command me to do anything." You smile, shaking your head.

"Did you just call me sweet? Why?"
"Because it's really sweet how you think your incharge of me and how you insist I take the bed. I find it really sweet." You feel your cheeks heating up because of the tension.

You sit there, not saying anything, just staring at eachother. You shuffle closer, placing a hand on her legs, making her flinch at the sudden touch.

"Thank you Brienne, thank you for saving me."
"It's my duty."
You sat there, the tension building. You placed a hand on her cheek, again making her flinch. You draw circles with your thumb on her cheeks, making her soften.
You pulled her face close, kissing her lips softly. You pulled away, leaving her shocked. Her expression was a mix of shock and excitement and confusion.

"I like you Brienne. I apologise if that was too much or too forw-" you were cut off by her lips on yours. The kiss was soft and gentle, not rough and passionate. She was so sweet and gentle, unlike anyone you'd met before.

You pull away, smiling. She rested her hand on your thigh, making you smile.

"You are really beautiful y/n. I think I like you too."
You placed another kiss on her cheek.
"My sweet, sweet Brienne." You kiss her lips once again, more passionately. She follows you, your kisses getting rougher and rougher. Your hands started to roam around her body, making her pull away.

"Brienne?" You get worried, maybe you hurt her.
"No, I'm sorry, I've just never done this before. I'm sorry, you can carry on." She mumbles, trying to pull you back in for another kiss.
"Brienne, no, let's just rest. We have a long journey to King's Landing." You lay her backwards before moving next to her.

You wake up before light, wrapped in her arms. You had a decision to make. You knew Winterfell might not be the safest place. Do you leave your darling Brienne or do you stay under her protection. You knew what the right thing to do is.

You escape her embrace, quietly walking out the room. You make your way to the front of the Inn before you hear sobs following you.

"Y/n? Where are you going?" Brienne cried
"Somewhere, you won't be safe for you if I stay."
"Why? Stay please!" She sobs in the freezing cold.
"Because Cersei is after me." You say it out loud for the first time.
"I'll protect you please! Just stay!" She cries.

You walk up to her, kissing her lips.
"I saw your sword Brienne, one I've seen Jamie Lannister with before. Clearly you've been friendly with him. And I know Cersei wouldn't like that. I love you Brienne. And I can't help that. I promise, one day I will come back and find you. Goodbye my sweet Brienne."

You kiss her before turning to leave. You could hear her sobs but knew you couldn't endanger her, she was to important. Too important. She needed to be alive for Sansa Stark and her father. And Jamie. You knew Jamie had loved her because of the sword. He would give her happiness and you knew that.

In another life my sweet Brienne.....

1018 words

I'm not sure if I like this but do you all like it? I wasn't to sure but you all deserve something

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