Why Gwen? ~ alternative ending

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A/n: for HBCSIMPXOX and anyone else who didn't like the ending.

6 months later, it was yours and Gwendoline's 10th wedding anniversary.

She was in New York so you couldn't be with her sadly.

You had given Giles your present for her and had messaged her early that morning.

The message had been read but not responded to which upset you.

Later that day, you opened Instagram to find her having posted about your present. Apparently Gikes had gotten it for her.

Even more heartbroken, you sat and cried until there were no tears left. You packed away all your stuff and went to a hotel. You told Giles but asked him not to tell Gwendoline.

A week later, Giles and her had returned from New York to find the house deserted. Gwendoline was confused and that was when Giles finally delivered the news to her.

Gwendoline was heartbroken and felt awful about the way she'd been treating her wife. Y/n had been nothing but loving and caring and she had been rude and dimissive. She hid her wife from everyone and faked a relationship, putting more effort into that than her actual marriage, and after 10 years, y/n had clearly had enough.

Gwendoline rang y/n countless times but the call was declined many times. Gwendoline sent many texts and was left on read. Her only option was to either find y/n or announce their relationship, and she had no clue where to find y/n, she didn't really know where she liked.

Gwendoline called her publicist and they spoke about ways to announce their marriage of ten years without causing too much backlash and uproar.

By the next morning, the news was everywhere and finally, what should've been done 10 years ago was finally completed.

You were woken up by your mother ringing you.

Y: Hey?

M: You've been married for 10 years and to a celebrity? Why did I not know? 

Y:  How do you know? Anyway it doesn't matter, my lawyer is serving her with divorce papers today.

M: Why though?

Y: Ten years of hiding, manipulation and being treated like I was some plaything for her. Why do you think you didn't know, she didn't want the news to be public about us being together and faked having a boyfriend and he lived with us. IN MY HOUSE. I love her mum, I really do but I can't take it anymore, I need to get out.

M: Proud of you sweetie, leaving someone like that can be hard. Call me, I love you.

Y: Love you too mum.

You called your lawyer and let her know you wanted to be at the house with her.

You changed into a suit and grabbed all your belongings yous taken, the house was in your name after all and arrived home.

Your lawyer, Miranda, was outside waiting. You knocked and when Giles answered, you saw his realisation of what you were about to do.

You entered without saying a word and sat down in the dining room, waiting for Gwendoline.

"Oh my love! I was so worried!" She cries, leaping onto you but you pushed her away.

"Please sit Ms Christie." Miranda says, pointing to the seats opposite you.

"Baby, what are you doing?" She asked, sounding scared.

You stayed silent.

"Baby, what's happening, talk to me please." She begs.

"Ms Christie, you are being served with these papers by Ms Y/l/n." (Idfk how this works I was 2 when my parents divorced)

Gwendoline looked down and read them.

"Divorce papers, what? Baby, why are you doing this?" Her voice was filled with hurt but she had spent the last 10 years hurting you.

"Ms Christie, if you could just sign them, we can get this done as quickly as possible." Miranda continues professionally.


"Years of you manipulating me, telling me you were protecting me when you were just embarrassed. Treating me like I was just a treat you could have whenever you were home, like I was a toy, like I wasn't worth anything. Like I didn't exist." You sigh, tears starting to fall.

"Baby, please, I was protecting you!"

"Gwenny, please just sign the papers. I can't do this anymore."

"So 13 years down the drain? And you don't know why you were never seen with me?"

You gasped.

"SIGN THE PAPERS AND GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE!" You scream, shocking her and Miranda.

"Well the house is in y/ns name and in your prenup, your finances are separate so as long as the papers are signed, I can be on my way." Miranda states.

"Fine." Gwendoline growls and angrily scribbles her signature.

She packed up quickly and left.

And that was the downfall of actress Gwendoline Christie. She never dated again or took another role. She was barely seen in public and deactivated all social media. She stopped modelling and attending panels. She moved back home, to the South downs and had a very closed off life.

Y/n however, her life only looked up.

She went into acting and although starting later in life, became a huge success very quickly. She was loves by most and even found true love.

Many years later, y/n y/l/n and Miranda Hilmarson were married. Never in a million years did y/n think she would fall in love with her lawyer but a few drinks and passionate nights together proved differently.

One day, you and Miranda were walking along twisty lanes, enjoying the British countryside. It was a warm summers evening and they were on their way to enjoy a few drinks at the local pub.

Suddenly, Miranda stopped walking and pulled you towards her.

"You're so pretty." She smiles.

"Not as pretty as my wife, she is Aphrodite herself." Miranda blushes and giggles, and you reach up and kiss her softly.

"Y/n?" You hear a timid voice.

You turn and see your ex wife stood there. She looked worryingly pale and skinny.

"Oh hey Gwendoline." You smile slightly.

"Why are you here?"

"Me and Miranda are on holiday, and I know it's not very fancy but we both love it. And I love her." You smile up at your wife who was blushing again.

"Oh yeah, you're wedding was a big thing."

"Well hope you are well and stay out of trouble." Yiu tease before you and Miranda turn to leave.

"Wait! Can we maybe stay in contact? It's very lonely out here."

"No, you did that to yourself. And I finally have someone who loves and appreciates me. Goodbye Gwendoline, have a nice life."

Y/n finally was happy, she had her fairytale life.

1135 words

Slay!! I kinda like this ending more than the other one tbf

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