Please, you dont deserve this

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You were at the New York ballet and were excited because you were sat next to one of your favourite actors, Gwendoline Christie. You'd been childhood best friends and missed her infinitely.

"Gwendoline! I've missed you!" You pull her in for a hug
"I've missed you too y/n" She hugs you back.
"Can I just say, you have had a massive glow up. You are freaking gorgeous!"
"I wish!" She chuckles. She didn't realise you noticed the tear in her eye and it wasn't a happy tear, her eye wasn't smiling. You sat with her, hand in hand watching the show. There were some incredible performances and you enjoyed them all. You leave with Gwendoline and start talking.

"Wanna have a movie night tomorrow? For old times?" She laughs
"Come over to mine?"
"Definitely!" She kisses you on the cheek, making you blush.

You go home and sleep. You dreamt of Gwendoline and all the stuff you did as kids. She was actually your first kiss, a very drunk one at that! You get up and go to the shops, buying all your favourite snacks. You then drove to the mall and bought some matching pyjamas. You giggled at the thought and drove home. You piled up blankets and pillows like you did as kids and pulled out the sofa bed. She arrive at 5 and you opened the door excitedly.

"Gwenny!" She laughs at the nickname you had given her at 6.
"You alright y/n? Gonna drunk kiss me again?" She laughs again
"Don't lie to yourself, you were as drunk as I was and it was as much as your doing as mine!"
"Ok ok!"

You walked into the lounge and she had spotted the pyjamas you'd laid out.

"You didn't y/n!"
"But oh yes I did Gwenny!"

You both change and sit on the sofa. You mutually chose 'The Devil wears Prada'. It had Meryl Streep in it, I mean.
She wraps her arms around you and you cuddle into her chest. You finish the film and look up.
"Hey Gwenny, shall we get some snacks and order a pizza?"
"You can but I don't want anything!"
"Gwenny, you always want pizza!"
"Well I don't, I don't eat carbs or sugar so just drop it!" She goes silent.
You hug her tightly as tears roll down her face, she didn't make a sound though.
"Gwendoline, tell me what's going on," you say softly.
"No I'm ok, just order the pizza!" She said quickly wiping away her tears.
"But you aren't Gwendoline, I know you aren't and now tell me."
"No it's ok, don't worry y/n!"
"Will this make you talk?" You plant a quick kiss on her lips, making her blush.
"I didn't know you'd gotten that bad at making a move!" She laughed
"Gwendoline, just tell me, or I'll kiss you again!"
"I don't mind kiss me again!"
"Oh god, just tell me!" You laugh.
"Kiss me and I will!"
"Ok then, you were asking for it!" You lean close again, kissing her deeply.

'Ok I've kept my end and now you tell me yours!"
"Are you sure?"
"I'm here Gwenny!"
"So I have a runway soon and I'm really excited but they are threatening to fire me if I don't lose weight. And they are right, I'm too fat. I've cut out processed sugar and carbs out my diet but it doesn't seem to be working!" The tears start coming again.
"You know Gwendoline, what I said yesterday was true, you are gorgeous. You don't need to lose weight, you are incredibly healthy. And when was the last time you ate?"
"4 days ago....."
"Gwenny, you can't do this to yourself. And remember when you went through this at 15, we learned that you were underweight anyway, I don't want to lose you Gwenny!" You start to cry.
"But they-"
"But they nothing Gwenny, please don't do this to yourself, you don't deserve this. I'm telling you, we are going to order 2 large pizzas and eat all the snacks I bought. You deserve better Gwenny, I love you so much!"
"Thank you y/n, I love you too!"

You hug her tightly before putting in the pizza order. You start watching Mamma Mia and the doorbell rang. You grab the pizzas and pay the driver before walking into the kitchen and grabbing all the food you bought earlier.

"How much did you buy?" Gwendoline exclaims
"We used to eat way more as kids!" She chuckles and looks at the food.
You sit back down, wrapping both of you in blankets.

"So this is how we are going to do this Gwenny, I'm going to take a slice and I'm going to hold it infront of you until you take a bite. And I will give you a kiss every time you take a bite ok?"

She nods as you grab some pizza. She hesitantly takes a bite and once she's chewed it, she taps her cheek waiting for a kiss. You laugh and kiss her.
She repeats that for the whole slice, making you giggle every time.

She then takes another slice as you turn on the film. She eats pretty much a whole pizza and you were so proud of her. She also ate half the snacks.

"You did so well Gwendoline! I'm proud of you!"
She smiles and hugs you.
"Thank you," she whispers
"Always Gwenny."

You watch one more film and it was almost 3am.
"Why don't we sleep down here tonight Gwenny?"
"I'd like that!"

She moves as close as she can to you, wrapping her arms around you tightly. You fall asleep with the biggest smile on your face. You had Gwendoline back.
You woke up the next morning to her fiddling with your hair.

"Morning Gwenny!"
"Morning darling!" She kissed you deeply, her soft lips brushing against yours.

"Nice surprise!" You laugh
"I'm always happy to give you one!" She winks.
"You are literally my best friend in the entire world y/n, I love you so much!"
"Same here Gwenny, I love you too!"

1021 words

Yes I am making them best friends just to make you all hate me. ❤️

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