Beauty and the beast

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You were 21 and had just left acting school.
You spent most of your last year auditioning for roles in big plays. They were all long shots and for the experience. By some magic, you had managed to land a role in beauty and the beast as Belle on the west end. When you got the call, you cried.
You were really excited.
It was your final rehearsal before opening night and it was a full run through.
You finished act one and you were shattered. You change into the iconic belle dress ready for act 2.
You start the second act and it all goes smoothly. You get to your favourite bit. The Beauty and the beast song. You curtsy and get into hold. As you waltz around, you feel mesmerized. Not by beast, but by the voice singing. She was no Angela Lansbury(rest in peace🕊) but her voice was gorgeous.
You couldn't look over at her but wanted to. To be honest, you hadn't paid attention to her singing before, it was all about dancing and preparing for opening night. But now, you had butterflies. The voice made you happy. As a child, this film was always a big part of your childhood, and being belle was your dream. You felt tears in your eyes as the song finished. You blinked them away and continued with act 2.
After practicing bows, you chased after Mrs Potts.
"Hey, can we talk?" You yell after her and you turn around to see Gwendoline Christie. How hadn't you noticed this?!?!?
"Hey y/n, what do you want to talk about?"
"First off, it's a pleasure to meet you, you are an icon. I actually saw you when you opened in a Midsummer nights dream. I never noticed it was you, I was to nervous about the show."

"That's alright honey, it's always scary!"
"And tonight was the first time I properly listened to your voice. Its gorgeous. You are such an amazing singer!"
"Like you can say much honey, you have the voice of an angel!"
You blush.
"Anyways darling, do you want to go get a late dinner?" She continued
"Yes I would love that!"
You get out of costume and change.
You meet Gwendoline by the theatre doors and she led you to her car.
You get in and she starts driving. She drives for about 20 minutes and you turn up at your families pub.
"Can we go somewhere else?"
"Why sweetheart?"
"Well let's go inside and you'll see!"
You start to walk inside and spot your mum at the service desk.
"Darling!" She says wrapping her arms around you.
"Hey mum. Can we have a table for 2?"
"Yeah who have you got with you?"
"Gwendoline Christie, she's in Beauty and the Beast with me!" You whisper in her ear.
"Omg, Gwendoline Christie is here? Let's get you a table!"
She takes you to a table and Gwendoline orders some champagne.
"So your mum works here?"
"No I work here, she owns it with my dad," you say smiling
"Let's just eat and go," you say not wanting to fuss.
You order food and Gwendoline tries to pay but your mum refused.
She instead tipped them £300.

"So why have I not seen you there before?" She asks in the car.
"Well I worked day shifts at 14 and at 16 I went to drama school so I stopped working so regularly. I worked twice a week on evening shifts in school."
"Oh ok. Do you want to come back to my hotel, it's closer than where your staying?"
"Ok sure!"
You get to the hotel and Gwendoline takes you to her room. She finds you some clothes to wear and you put them on.
"Ok night Gwendoline," You say climbing onto the sofa.
"No, you are the star, take the bed. You need sleep," she argues
"No it's ok!"
"Well I have no choice then!" And she runs over and picks you up and hauls you into bed, climbing in next to you.

The opening morning, you wake up to find Gwendoline's arms tangled round you.
You check the time, it was 10am. You had to be at the theatre by 1 so you got up and put on the clothes you had on yesterday.
You wake up Gwendoline and she does the same.
You both walk downstairs, grab some food and get in her car.
"Yeah love?" She says focused on the road
"Why do you call me those nicknames like love, darling, honey. Isn't that what you call your partner?"
"Bold of you to assume I have a partner!" She laughs
"You are single? You're angelic, I thought you'd have men falling at your feet."
"Again bold of you to assume I like men!" She giggles again
"So you are gay?"
"Yeah, I'm lesbian!"
"Cool, I'm bi!"

You drive the rest of the way in comfortable silence.
When you arrive you have to go for vocal warmup and dance rehearsal. You get hair and makeup done. And run lines.
You put on your first outfit and practice the first couple of songs.
Just before it's show open, you go see Gwendoline.
"I'm so nervous Gwendoline, what do I do?"
"Breathe, you are amazing honey, I'll be on stage with you for lots of it. You did amazing yesterday."
"Ok thanks, see you there!"
She plants a kiss on your cheek before you run off to get in position. You were more worried about messing up infront of Gwendoline than anyone else. You want to make her really proud of you and you have started to develop feelings.
Suddenly, the start of the music. You start to sing as you wander about the stage singing. You take books, bread and have to act like you are walking around aimlessly. This show was so perfectly timed, you had to be perfect.
As you continue, Gwendoline appears on stage and you feel relaxed. You do amazingly and you get excited for the be our guest number. It was quite long but so intricate. At the end of the number, streamers are shot into the audience.
There was one more number and then you had a break. You changed into your iconic belle dress and look for Gwendoline.
"You did so well sweetheart!" She said
"Thanks so did you," you don't make eye contact. In the next act, you only had one number until her song and you were getting butterflies about it. You wanted her to be the one you were dancing with.
"Honey, are you ok?" She says but then the next number starts, which you weren't in until then end, and you run away whispering under your breath, "No I'm not, my massive crush on you is not helped by your singing. I want to dance with you cause I love you!"
You appear at the end and they change the set.
Gwendoline appears and the music starts to play. You do your bow and curtsy and start to waltz with the beast. He was such a nice person and you loved him like a brother.
As Gwendoline sings, your butterflies get worse, she was making you swoon. The beast noticed a tear and acted like it was part of the performance, wiping it away quickly.
Her number ends and you finish the show and dance with the now Prince in the last number. It was a surreal experience.
Then it was time for bows.
You watch everyone run out and do their bows. When Gwendoline runs out, she is greated with a massive cheer.
But it wasn't as loud as the cheer you and beast got. Watching everyone clap along to the music, giving you a standing ovation made you so happy and proud of yourself.
You step back and do a group bow and the curtain go's down.
Everyone hugged and went to change. As you remove the makeup and unlinnyour hair, Gwendoline walks up behind you.
"You know, I think I might have a crush on the actress who plays belle. Do you know her?" She says giggling
You stand up and kiss her lips. She seemed shocked but leaned into it.
As you pull away, she's blushing.
"My beauty," she says
"My beast" you laugh

1390 words.
As you guys know I love this movie and musical. I saw it live last year and after the Be Our Guest number, I really did get covered in streamers. This was so fun and cute to write! If you want a part 2 give me ideas please!
Enjoy!!! ❤️🫶❤️🫶

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