I'm glad your back

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You were dating famous actor Gwendoline christie and you couldn't be happier until one evening.

Y: Hey honey how are you?
Y: How was work
G:Fine, let me relax
Y: sorry for wanting to know how you are
G: you are so annoying sometimes
Y: well atleast I don't ignore my girlfriend
G: Atleast my ex wasn't this clingy
Y:Go back to him then
G: what?
Y:If he's so great, go date him again
G: Fine I'll be better off without you

Gwendoline stormed out the door and you broke down into tears. You didn't mean for it to end like that.
Over the next year,  you threw yourself into work but there was a certain person who never left your thoughts.
You didn't really get over Gwendoline but it was clear she had. She had gotten back with her ex and she seemed really happy. You were happy for her.
Working for a news company was actually quite fun. You were chief editor and also did interviews. You were on a good salary, had no debts and a great group of friends.
One night you were in a bar with your friend Nicole, celebrating her n
sew job.
Out of the corner of your eye you see a 6ft blonde woman walk in. She sits on the other side of the bar but you still caught a glimpse of her face. Blood shot eyes, tear stained faced and smudged lipstick.
You fought every urge to run over to her and embrace her, she had hurt you and you were slowly but surely moving on.
You continue talking with Nicole until you get a text.

Gwen💔: I see you, come over
You:No leave me alone

She kept texting you but you ignored it. She started to walk over to you so you dragged Nicole out and went to meet some other friends.
You continued celebrating with Nicole and some others but you felt over run with guilt.
She was clearly hurting and you blew her off. But she did that to you so did she deserve that? No, you needed to be the bigger person

You: I'm sorry, meet me at my house at 11
Gwen💔: Ok?

You look at your phone and it was 10 40 but your house was a 15 minute walk so you apologise and leave the bar.
You walk inside and hurriedly clean up until you heard 3 knocks on the door. You open it to see Gwendoline like you saw her at the bar, teary eyed and ruined makeup.

Y: what did you want earlier
G: to talk
Y: about?
Y: why you left me a year ago
G: I want you back
Y: why, aren't I too clingy
G: no I wasn't clingy enough
Y: what happened to your perfect ex boyfriend
G: he did what I did to you, he snubbed me
Y: Ok, so you know how I felt? Doesn't mean I want you back
G: but I want you
Y: Do you know how hard it was when you left me? I spent 3 days in bed. Months distancing myself from people as I was too clingy. I've finally started to move on from that part of my life. I have a great job, good friends and a nice life. I don't need you coming in here ruining it.
G: I know and I'm sorry
Y: How do I know you aren't going to hurt me again. Gwendoline, you put me through so much and I don't know if I could do that again
G: Can't we try again?
Y: I don't know? I really loved you Gwendoline. After 2 years of bliss, I was going to propose. I had it all planned and you broke up with me 2 days before. You have to promise me you won't do that again
G: Will this change your mind?

She got down on one knee and took my hands.
"Y/N I love you so much. Once I left you, I realised how much light you bought to my life. You made me smile and you cared. You cared so much. And I care about you too. I don't have a ring, but will you marry me?"

"Uhhhhh Gwendoline are you sure?"
"100% I promise I won't hurt you!"
"Well who could say no to you Gwendoline( I wouldn't)?"
She stood up and kissed you.
"I love you."
"I'm glad to have you back!"

747 words
Enjoy ❤️🫶❤️🫶

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