Marry you

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Your last night before being married was spent sat on the beach, in the arms of your soon to be wife.

"I can't believe you are going to be my wife." She happily sighs before putting her lips on yours. She pulls away, watching you blush.
"After 5 years, I can still make you blush!" She laughs as you elbow her.
"Well there's a reason they call people a blushing bride. And I'm going to be a very beautiful blushing bride." You say all confident.
"Sure you are." She laughs, resulting in you elbowing her again.

You laughed and sat in her arms, watching the sunset. It was the middle of August, nicely warm, but still cool.

You decided to go for a stroll along the water, using it to cool off. You and Gwendoline walked hand in hand, smiling to yourselves. At 9, you left the beach to go back to the hotel, you didn't want to be tired for the wedding.

You parted ways outside your room.

"Until we meet again y/n." She whispers as you pull away from your kiss.
"You say that like I'm never going to see you again, like we are Jamie and Brienne!" You laugh, pulling her in for another kiss.

"Until tomorrow, my beautiful bride." And she walks off. You watch her disappear into her room before walking into your own.

You showered and put on your pyjamas. You lay awake, wishing it to be the morning.

As you couldn't sleep, you text your best friend, Phoebe, who was in the room next to you.

Y: Hey, are you awake?

P: Yeah, you nervous?

Y: Yeah but I have an idea, go get Toby and both come to my room.

P: Be two minutes

Your other best friend Toby, was marrying you the next day.

You hear a few quiet knocks on the door, opening it and Phoebe and Toby walked in.

"Now what's so important at 11 at night, the day before your wedding?" Toby says tiredly, flopping onto the bed.

"I want to get married." You say, pulling him back on his feet.
"You're getting married to your goddess ad you call her tomorrow, who do you want to marry?" Phoebe laughs

"No her, but now. I don't want to have to deal with the stress of getting married infromt of all those people and I don't want to wait. Even hours. Wouldn't it be nice to not have any anxiety that you will mess up because it's only like 5 people? I mean, we have the license, the rings, the beach is free. Toby is going to marry us anyway! Let's do it now!" You were getting excited.

"So you are going to wear your wedding dress now? It will take you hours to get ready." Phoebe teases.

"No you idiot, we can get married in whatever. We need two witnesses beside Toby, so all we need now is Gwen and Nikolaj!" You walk over to your suitcase and rummage around before pulling out your favourite dress.

You slip into it and brush your hair quickly. Toby and Phoebe leave to get dressed and grab the license and rings.

You walk to Nikolaj's room, and explain the plan. He was her best man so it only made sense. She did have bridesmaids but you only wanted you 5 there.

You then rush to your lovers room. You knock on the door and a very sleepy Gwendoline answers. You barge into the room, pulling her in with you.

You start digging through her suitcase and picking the perfect outfit, one of her amazing suits.

You chuck it her.
"Put this on." You command.
"Y/n, its almost midnight, what do you want?" She complains, picking up the suit.
"We are getting married! Come on." You encouraged her, helping her into the suit.
"Now? We are getting married tomorrow though?" She seemed confused but got changed anyway.

You sat her down and brushed her hair.
"I mean, it's a beautiful night. And I wanna marry you. And who cares?" You laugh.
"Well who's going to marry us?"
"Toby, Phoebe and Nik are already waiting, let's go!" You pull her off the seat.

You walk down the stairs, holding her hand tightly.

"Y/n, but I want everyone to watch us get married, you deserve to be celebrated!"
"But won't it be so much nicer, not having stress and only us five knowing we are married. Tomorrow can be about having fun but I want now to be about us. No ones gonna know." You laugh, dragging her closer to the beach.

You see Nikolaj and Phoebe waiting a few feet away from Toby, waiting to walk you both down the 'aisle'.

Gwendoline goes first and you admire her as she walks. Her walk was always so powerful and confident.

As she reaches Toby, she turned to face you, smiling widely. You took Phoebe's arm, and walked towards your almost wife. You blushed as she stared lovingly at you.

"My blushing bride." She whispered when you reached her.
"My beautiful bride." You whispered back.

It went alot quicker than tomorrow would, there was no readings or extra formalities. You recited your vows, both of you crying by then end of it.

"I do."
"I do."

You slipped a ring on eachothers finger before you pulled Gwendoline in for a passionate kiss. She lifted you off the floor, your legs wrapping around her waist.

She carried you both back up the aisle, both of you laughing. You reached your hotel rooms once again and said goodbye to the others.

"I'm sad we can't spen our first night as a married couple together." Gwendoline sighs, pulling you in for a hug.
"Quiet, my parents are in the room opposite!" You giggle, pulling her down to meet your lips in a kiss.
"I'm glad we did this, you're right, no stress tomorrow. But we have to remember to give the rings back." She gave you one last kiss on the forehead before you both went to bed, happy.

You woke up at 8 the next day, rendering the evening before.

Phoebe arrived at 8 30 and you gave her your ring so your other bridesmaids wouldn't be suspicious.

At 9 am, your hair and makeup artist arrived, and so did your other bridesmaids.

After 4 hours, you were ready. You were helped into your dress and by this time, you had half an hour until the ceremony. The photographer came and you took photos by yourself and with your bridesmaids and some with just Phoebe.

5 minutes before the ceremony, you snuck to the entrance of the hotel and waited for Gwendoline to be ready.
Phoebe saw her waiting at the actual altar with Nikolaj and Toby.

You made your way out to the beach, your smile growing wider as you saw her. You saw her blushing as Phoebe walked you down the actual aisle.

As you reached her, you couldn't help but pull her in for a kiss.
"My blushing bride." You whispered
"My beautiful bride." She whispered back.

You held hands throughout the whole ceremony, only 5 of you knowing you were married already.

"I do."
"I do."

You exchanged rings again before pulling her in for another kiss. Gwendoline picked you up bridal style and carried you up the aisle, stopping in the middle to kiss you.

You made your way back to the hotel, where your reception was being held. It was absolutely beautiful what they had done.

"I love you Gwendoline."
"I love you too."

1266 words

This is kind of inspired by Gilmore Girls. But it's really cuteee.💗💗

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