Love to hate you~ Phasma

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From the early days of childhood, you'd always been competing with Phasma. Who had the better blaster? Who had the better aim? Who could kill more rebels? Who could have a higher rank?

You always hated that blonde-haired bitch but then you suppose you always have loved her. You hated that she was good at everything but then loved that it meant you had competition and you could work towards something. And she was always really pretty until you both became stormtroopers and had to wear armour and voice filters. Then she got moved up a rank. Her armour changed, her attitude and she never took off her helmet in front of you anymore.

You spent days taking orders from her, fighting and planning how to defeat the rebel alliance. Phasma also ignored you as much as she could now.

One day, you managed to corner her in a room where no one else was near. You pull off your helmet to face her.

"Phasma, why don't we talk. I miss our competing Phasma. I miss being able to see your face when we fight. Your just becoming even more of a bitch than you used to be." You roll your eyes.
"I am your captain, refer to me as such." Her distorted voice spoke.
"Phasma, take off the helmet." You place your blaster on her chest plate.

She slips out and pulls the blaster on your. You stand off for a minute before you pull something out from your armour. A stolen lightsaber.

"Where did you get that? Hand it over!" She calls as you hold it infront of you. Little did Phasma know, your uncle had been a rebel and before he died, you always wanted a lightsaber, it was purple, quite uncommon.

"It's mine Phasma. Take off your helmet and I may give it to you." You continue your face off.

"Captain, you have been summoned." Another trooper interrupts.
You put your lightsaber and blaster away, put your helmet back on and report back to duty.

Over the next few weeks, Phasma avoids you as much as she can, much to your dismay. You had no one to compete against anymore and she was just being a bitch overall.

One day, Phasma ordered you too her chambers. You walked hesitantly, why did she want to see you? And in her chambers.

You knocked on the door and hear her distorted voice call for you to come in.

"You wanted to see me Captain?"
"Ahh yes y/n, no need for the formalities?" You hear her chuckle.
"A fee weeks ago, you insisted I called you Captain and almost killed me! What's going on with you Phasma." You sigh heavily, annoyed but worried, she was not ok. You placed yourself next to her, on her bed.

"Phasma, tell me what's wrong?" You dare to wrap your arm around her chromatic armour.
"Nothing! Why can't I ask to see you?" A hint of confusion airs in her voice.

You dared to lift your hands up, unclipping her helmet before doing the same with your own.

You stared at the beauty of her face, beauty that hadn't changed in the past 5 years since you'd last seen her face.

"Now Phasma, why did you call me in here?" You raise a now visible eyebrow.
"I just wanted to talk about the lightsaber." You can tell she's lying, but it was nice to hear her real voice.
"Phasma, you and I both know you are lying. But I've got to admit, it's nice to see your face and here your voice. Now tell me, what's wrong?"

You sit in silence, staring at her. Watching her expression not change. It was filled with nerves but confidence at the same time. With the helmet, she was just a chromatic figure but now you could see her gorgeous blue eyes and her blonde floppy hair. She soon takes a deep breath, something she hadn't done before.

"I like you." No emotion was used, just bluntness.
"I like you too Phasma."
"No I mea-" you felt bad for cutting off her admission, but you couldn't wait any longer. You crashed your lips onto hers, kissing her passionately.

She pulls away and you stand up awkwardly.

"Oh my, I'm so sorry Phasma, shoot me, reprimand me, beat me, I don't care, I'm so sorry." You stutter as she walks towards you, backing you into a wall.

"Oh my, my scared little stormtrooper, what am I ever going to do with you?" A  chuckle escaped before her lips landed on yours, a hand finding a way to your hip and the other to the back of your neck.

You wrapped your arms around her, pulling her closer, close as you could be.

"And remember my little stormtrooper, I'm still your Captain."
"I would have it no other way, Captain." You whisper against her lips before reconnecting them.

825 words

No sleep, back in my star wars obsession (even without Gwen) so have a Phasma one shot!

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