Rich Lesbian Mommy~ Larissa

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You had worked at Nevermore for what felt like forever. Nevermore was your home, your family and what you loved most.

Now who you loved most was a different thing. Larissa Weems was the Headmistress of Nevermore Academy and you were head over heels in love with her. But she would never reciprocate those feelings.

You tried to drop hints here and there but it really wasn't working. One night, everyone was at the staff Christmas party when, Vlad the fencing coach, decided we had to play spin the bottle.

As we were all drunk, it didn't need much convincing.

"Vlad no!" Larissa says, the only not drunk one.

"Come on Rissy, it'll be fun!" The stupid Redheaded Botany teacher smiles, resting a hand on her thigh.

You felt immediately jealousy at the nickname, the hand placement and most of all, the blonde blushing.

"Ok Mari, just for you." She giggles, kissing Marilyn on the cheek.

Everyone gathers in a circle and since she was Headmistress, Larissa span first. And to your surprise, it landed on you.

"Do I have to?" She groans, hurting you inside.

"Either take a shot or kiss her." Vlad says.

To your dismay, Larissa took the shot.

Since it landed on you, you spun the bottle. It landed on Larissa. That was weird.

As much as you wanted to kiss her, you took a shot, not to seem desperate.

Everyone on the staff got kissed atleast once but you. Larissa seemed to be the only one landing on you and she took a shot everytime.

"Ok this is stupid, no one has kissed y/n yet." Morticia, the history teacher complained. You knew she was Larissa's ex so you knew Larissa wouldn't be to happy about that.

"Ok how about we take it up a notch? If it lands on you, you have to kiss the person for 2 minutes?" Another teacher suggested.

"Yeah! And no more shots." Vald yells, very drunk.

We all agreed.

It was Morticia's go to spin the bottle and it landed on you. She smirked and beckoned you over. You walked over and she pulled you down onto her lap.

Without warning, she pushed her lips onto yours, your body immediately responded, kissing back.

You could hear everyone giggling but being drunk you didn't care. And you could make Larissa jealous.

Once you and Morticia broke away, everyone was cheering and you blushed. You looked over to Larissa who was now very angry. You gave her a shit eating grin.

You turned back to Morticia and she mouthed 'meet me in my room later'.

You nodded and then everyone went back to the games. When it got late, you started walking to Morticia's room when you were pulled into another room.

The Principal's office.

You were pushed up against the wall, Larissa's hand around your throat.

"Ow Larissa you're hurting me!" You complain but she just grabbed your neck harder.

"What was that little stunt with Morticia?" She growled.

"None of your business, and why do you care? You didn't want to kiss me anyway."

"What was that stunt with Morticia?" She pressed harder.

Gwendoline One Shots Where stories live. Discover now