How could I forget?

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A/n: all one-shots without names are Gwendoline unless it's a pt.2

Valentine's day. A day that mocks single people who haven't found love. But you had. But your girlfriend had thrown it in your face.

You'd booked the most expensive restaurant in town, it took months to get a booking there and you'd missed it. Your girlfriend was still at work, filming her new show.

After 2 hours, you decided to storm over there, going to look for her. You pull onto the set, and security lets you in and look for Gwen.

You find her in makeup and hair, being all dressed up. You walk over and angrily tap her shoulder.

"Gwen, what are you doing?" You say sternly
"Getting ready to film the next scene. Wait why are you dressed up?" Her face fills with confusion
"It's Valentine's day Gwen, we were going to Amelia's!" You were starting to get annoyed.
"Oh fuck I forgot. I'm sorry honey, I'm so incredibly sorry." She sighs, refusing to look at you.
"No it's ok, I know you're busy. I'm just going to go home." You give her a smile before walking out.

As you make your way to your car, you are dragged away by the director. He wanted you to watch something she had filmed earlier. You follow, confused but willing, you're evening had been ruined.

You reach his office after a long walk and sit down next to him. He starts sifting through footage.

"Oh I'm sorry, I can't find it." He looks at you apologetically before you leave.
You sigh and walk back to the car park. Well, Valentine's day was a failure.

You get into your car and feel tears threatening to escape. It wasn't worth crying over, she was busy, and she was an amazing girlfriend otherwise.

You pull into the driveway and Gwen's car wasn't there. Sigh. You lock your car and grab your keys.

As you walk up the long drive of the mansion Gwen had bought you both, there was a note on the front door.
You rip it off and read it.

My lovely y/n,

I have a few surprises for you, first go up to our bedroom. There you will find something along with the next note. I love you.


Your darling Gwen

You let out a small giggle, she was really cute. You unlocked the door, rushing up the stairs before rushing into your room.

On the bed, you find a note and a pink bodycon dress.

On the bed, you find a note and a pink bodycon dress

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You gasp at the dress before reading the note.


I hope you like my first surprise. The next one is in the ensuite. Put the dress on first though. I love you.


Your loving girlfriend

God this woman was good. You slipped into the dress before walking into your ensuite. On the counter, you find a whole basket full of new makeup and new Dyson airwrap. You open the next note.

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