Jealous girl

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I love my girlfriend Gwendoline christie. She's the light of my life and I wouldn't be here without her. She pulled me out of a dark place and I will never be able to show my gratitude. We started dating after 3 months and I'm planning on proposing and our 3rd anniversary.
The only problem is Gwendoline has a problem with getting close to co-stars. She will be best friends with them and then after a while become sad that they don't see each other every day. But this time was different. They stayed close.
Gwendoline had just finished filming a new show, Wednesday. She got close with the main actress, Jenna ortega and I'm happy for her. But the problem was the edits and interviews.
I watch all of Gwendoline's interviews, she makes me laugh. The ones with Nikolaj crack me up.

I was watching her most recent ones for Wednesday and noticed she talked about Jenna a lot. That's ok, Jennas the star. Then New York comic con came. They were there with Luis Guzman. In one of the interviews, Gwendoline hands Jenna the microphone and she starts to stutter about Gwendoline.
'My woman, I love you' she says.
What the fuck she's mine.
When Luis starts talking Jenna rested her head on Gwendoline's shoulder, that's ok until I notice they are holding hands. WHAT?! Gwendoline was yours. Then they went to Brazil together and the compliments kept coming. In all the interviews, I could feel them flirting and it broke me.
I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of wine. I can't be bothered with a glass so drink from the bottle. Soon, I started a second.
Then I look at the time, it was 3am and Gwendoline wasn't home. You ring her and she declines three times.
Then you text her

You: Gwendoline where are you honey
I miss you
Where are you it's 3am

Gwen😍: I'm out with Jenna I'll be back later.

You: of course you're out with bloody Jenna. You always are. I see the way you look at her. Oooo my woman I love you. My wife. The hand holding. Don't bother coming home tonight, I don't want to see you or Jenna.

Gwen😍: No honey I'm coming right now.

You:Don't bother stay with your new girlfriend.

You walk to your bedroom and Bury your head in the covers. You start to cry. You missed her all the time now. She was always out filming, cancelling dates or just spending time with other people.
You start thinking of the place Gwendoline found you. The bridge. You were going to jump that night but she saved you. You grab your phone and scroll through Instagram. You see what your friends are doing with their partners and it makes you jealous. Gwendoline didn't even give you her plus one to the last red carpet she went to.
You eventually fall asleep and don't wake up until midday. You wake up with a million notifications on your phone. You opened the first one. It was a photo from Christina Ricci who was your childhood best friend.

Ricci😘: 1 photo
I'm don't remember if they kissed but I found this photo on my phone, we were all drunk.

You: Thanks Ricci, love you xx

Although the message seemed calm you were seething with rage. Gwendoline and Jenna had their lips centimetres away from each other, about to kiss.
You were too mad to cry. You rang Gwendoline who actually answered

G: what's up honey
Y:don't honey me, get home now
G: I thought you didn't want to see me
Y: I don't but we need to talk.

You hang up and stand by the door.
10 minutes later the door swings open to reveal a very hung-over Gwendoline.


"What y/n, what are you talking about?" She says rubbing her temples.
"This photo!" And you shove the photo in her face.
"I'm gonna kill Jenna."
You storm out of your house and hop in your car. You had been to hers before, so knew the way. You drove frantically and arrived soon after. You knock on the door and Jenna answers. You walk straight in and start to yell.
"Jenna what the fuck are you doing with my girlfriend. Ooooo my woman, my wife, I love you." You say mocking her.
"I don't care about you being friends but the comments, the constantly being together this photo. You don't know what Gwendoline did for me but can you please just back off." You continued

"Yeah, I don't mind, I'm sorry. And we didn't kiss, it was a dare done by Emma Myers. Please don't be mad," she said.

"Oh I'm sorry Jenna, like I said, you don't know what Gwendoline did for me."

"Ok go back to her and stop being a jealous bitch." ( I know jenna would never say that, it's for the story)
"Bitch," you say turning around and slapping her across the face.

You drive home and can't find Gwendoline. You head to your bedroom to find her crying.
You run over.
"Gwendoline, what's wrong?"
"I read your diary, I'm so sorry"
"What do you mean?" You ask, knowing exactly what she was talking about.
"Don't go back to that place please. It destroyed me when I didn't know you but know it hurts even more."
"I promise I won't Gwen but can I tell you something."
"Yeah honey?"
"I slapped Jenna."
"Well she explained it all and I apologised and then she called me a jealous bitch so I hit her."
"I'm sorry honey, you don't deserve that. I was hurting you, it's my fault. I pushed you away!" She sobbed.

You stood up and walked over to your dresser and pulled something out.
"I was waiting for our 3rd anniversary but we both need this, Gwendoline christie will you marry me?"
"Yes I will!!"
You slipped the ring on her finger and she admired it.
"I love you Gwendoline."
"I love you too jealous girl."

1030 words
This was requested for a jealous y/n by Songjihyo_1234 enjoy ❤️🫶❤️🫶

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