The winner takes it all pt.2

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"You ruined my life, so fuck you and your life and Gwendoline and I hope you are never happy again. Well atleast your the winner. You've taken my happiness, my fiancée, my old life, my sister, my support system, my wedding, everything. I was right, the winner really did take it all."

Your sisters wedding was 6 months ago now. You hadn't spoken to her since. Or any of your other family besides your mum. It was an incredibly lonely time.

On social media, you had received a lot of hate from Gwendoline's family and the public when a video of your speech was released. You were in a bad place mentally. But you needed to get out of it, you had a show coming up.

You were a model and you were walking Paris Fashion Week soon. Kim Jones was a good friend of yours and stuck by you during this time.

"Y/n, just to warn you, Gwendoline will be in attendance tonight." He sighs, knowing your reaction.
"Really Kim! I don't want to see her." You were annoyed.
"I know darling, but you won't have to talk to her, I'll stay with you the whole night." He hugs you tightly.

The evening was fine, you walked the runway before spending the rest of the evening hiding behind Kim when Gwendoline was nearby.

You'd made eyecontact a few times but you were always the first to look away.
Once the night was over, you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding.

The next encounter was at your close friend, Vivienne Westwood's memorial service. Your sister and Gwendoline were in attendance as you and Gwendoline used to model for her.

You were lucky though, your good friend, Helena Bonham Carter was there, you could each comfort eachother. You could see your sister eyeing you but you ignored it and focused on your dear friend and fashion legend. (Rip🕊)

You managed to escape bumping into them afterwards but the next time, you weren't so lucky.

It was the EE BAFTA film awards and you were presenting one of the awards. It was a surreal experience but you were excited.

You saw your sister at the pre-show party and decide to break the ice.

"Hey Daphne, how are you? I just wanted to apologise for what I did at the wedding, that was wrong of me and I never should've blown up like that." You say, taking deep breaths. It was taking every fibre of your being nor to slap her ugly bitch ass face in that moment.

"Hey y/n, I'm well. Thank you for the apology. I am still annoyed but I'm willing to resume contact. Gwen's at Milan fashion week this week, so maybe come over then?" She offers. You smile that you had your sister back.
"I'd love to but I'm also going to be there, did you forget that I was a model!" You laugh.
"Didn't you do Paris though?"
"Yeah and so did Gwendoline. I was also good friends with the creative director, Kim Jones. But after that sure! And I'll see you on the red carpet tomorrow." You hug her before leaving.

Who was she to judge your career? You were better than she'd ever be! That's the one thing she can't win, your natural talent. You could play the piano from age 4, you were told you had one of the best model walks out there and we're often named best dressed at awards shows. You'd built a career for yourself without using Gwendoline's name to start out.

The night of the award show, you were backstage getting ready, until you were told you were presenting with Gwendoline. You sighed heavily before going to find her. You spotted her having photos with your close friend, Catherine Zeta-Jones.

"Cathy!" You call once they were done.
"Y/n! Long time no see. How are you?" She smiles and pulls you into a hug.
"Good, reconciled with my sister last night, I've gained lots of jobs."
"Oh yeah I saw what happened!" Her eyes flick between you and Gwendoline.
"You spoke to Daph?"  Gwendoline asks.
"You're not allowed to call her Daph, that's my name for her. And yes, yes I did. After Milan, I'm going to see her." You snap.
"Y/n, darling, calm down. She didn't mean it." Catherine comforts you.
"But it still hurts Cathy. The wedding, the fight, the separation all really hurt." You are about to cry when Catherine stops you.
"But it will be ok darling. You love Daphne don't you?" You nod.
"Yeah and you are willing to be civil with Gwendoline?" She asks. You hesitate. You nod slowly, still not sure about your choice.
"I can see you aren't, so I will have my eye on you all evening my dear." She giggles and steps away so you can talk to Gwendoline.

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