Somewhere only we know pt.2

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It had been many moons since you arrived on Dorne and you were happy, but you missed Tarth.

Lord Selwyn wrote you and so did your parents. Even Jamie did, telling you how Brienne was, but nothing from her.

It was fast approaching your nameday and your parents were traveling to see you.

The morning of, they still hadn't arrived. Even a few days later. It was then believed they had been shipwrecked, there was no sign of you.

As devastated as you were, you knew you needed to return to Tarth. You made the long journey and finally reached your home.

You were greeted by many of your parent's friends and Lord Selwyn, who insisted you were to stay at Evenfall for now.

He bought you to your chambers and let you relax and get ready for dinner.
The room was spacious and the bed soft and comfortable.

On your way to dinner, you bumped into Jamie.

"Y/n! Are you ok, you seem sad?" He takes your hand
"Has Selwyn not told you?"
"No what?" He seemed worried.
"Lord and Lady y/l/n have believed to be shipwrecked on the way to Dorne. It has been quite a while since I've travelled back from Dorne to take over their roles. Does Brienne know?"
"I'm sorry for your loss but I don't think me or Brienne have been told. She's at dinner already, can I escort you?"

You nod and he takes your arm. You walk together in silence. You open the door and everyone's head turns.

You see Brienne's eyes widen at the sight of you but it would be unladylike to run towards you.

She looks confused at your presence but you attempt a smile.

"Could you be so kind to tell your wife that I will meet her at the Oak tree at midday." You whisper to Jamie before taking your place, next to Selwyn and opposite Brienne.

You don't say anything and eat in silence, before excusing yourself.

There was a knock on the door later and it opened to be Selwyn. You allowed him entrance and you both sat infront of the fire you had on.

"Are you ok y/n?"
"I'm sad but it's life, I miss them dearly though." You sigh and he wraps his arms around you.
"Why are you so nice to me Selwyn, much kinder than to everyone else?"
"Well since you were a babe, I've always had a soft spot for you. Besides your parents, I was the first to hold you. After the loss of my other children, I was worried to lose Brienne but you as well. You felt like another daughter to me. You and Brienne grew up together and I loved seeing you both play and have fun. And I was happy when you started a relationship, Brienne deserves to be loved and you did that and treated her right. I was devastated when she left but also for you. I was concerned when you stopped visiting with your parents and joining us on Royal duties like you used to. When Brienne told me she was returning to get married to Jamie, I was devastated for you. And heartbroken when you left. When the news reached of your parents, I knew I had to keep you safe. I didn't tell Brienne because she's been weird since you left. She's quieter, less fiesty and I was worried." You ere tearing up at his speech and hugged him.
"Thank you Selwyn." He squeezed you back.

You both sat by the fire until there was frantic knocking om the door and Brienne calling.
You open the door and she bursts in.
She spots her father and halts in her tracks.
"I was just looking for you." She says quietly.
"Why did rudely enter Lady y/n's chambers without an invite?" It's the first time you've seen her really speechless
"Now what did you need Brienne?" He asked
"I wanted to ask why y/n was back and why you didn't tell me." She half demands
"Lady y/n?" He looks at you and you shake your head.

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