No she's my coworker pt.3

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⚠️violence, swearing, sexual abuse

You and Gwendoline. You loved her and she loved you. You were lucky Carla turned a blind eye.
That morning, Gwendoline was in the shower when someone knocked on your door.

"I was just going to ask, what happened last night?"
"Can't I tell you later?" You say looking to the bathroom.
"Oh she's still here?"
"Yes, I'll speak to you at 2 in my office!"
"Ok by Ms Y/L/N!"

She leaves and Larissa comes out the bathroom. She walks over to you and you stand up. She wraps her arms around you and then jumps onto of you. You fall backwards giggling.

You cuddle and watch a film. By this time it was 1:55 so you go talk to Brittany.

"Hey Ms y/l/n!"
"Hey Brittany! And call me y/n when we are alone!"
"Ok! What happened yesterday?"
"So basically a week ago when you caught us, Miss Jennings wanted to know if we were dating and I called her just my coworker. She heard and ran off crying."
"No that's horrible!"
"Yeah I know. But anyway, we avoided eachother until in your exam yesterday, she had to invigilate. So we had to meet and discuss grades. You did amazing by the way!"
"Thanks y/n!"
"That's ok sweetie. We argued a bit and when she left I apologised. When she walked away, I couldn't let her leave and chased after her. I kissed her but she didn't respond. I was so embarrassed but then she pulled me back and kissed me. We made our way to my dorm and um you know, made out!"
"God y/n did I need to know?"
"You asked! Anyway, after that we were laid down together when someone knocked. I thought it was you! Instead it was Miss Jennings. She started yelling at Ms Christie and I defended her. I offered to leave so she could stay but Miss Jennings turned a blind eye!"

"That's great y/n! I'm so happy for you!"
"Thanks Brittany now I'll see you tomorrow!"

As she skips out, your phone rings. You were offered a role for a new film for Netflix. You agree and they asked you whether you had any people in mind for your love interest. GWENDOLINE! You think. You agree and hang up.

You walk back to your dorm to see Gwendoline kissing Miss Jennings. Oh my god!


She looks at you surprised and you run out of your dorm in tears. You run to Brittany's dorm and knock. She answers and pulls you in.
"Y/n what happened, you were so happy 10 minutes ago!?"
"Gwendoline! She-she was kiss-kissing Miss Fucking Jennings!" You sob
"That bitch!" You hear her whisper.
"Why though?" She asked.
"I don't know but I can't deal with this! I mean they were kissing in MY DORM aswell!"
"That's just messed up! Can I do anything?" She asked
"Umm could you ring my cousin, Nikolaj. He's near here and I want to talk. Ring him off my phone."
"Yeah of course. I just have one thing to do!" She says walking out the dorm.

Confused, you follow her. She was walking to the teachers dorms.
She storms into Gwendoline's dorm to find her cuddled up to Carla.

Brittany walked over and slapped them both across the face.

"You both know how much I hate you right now? No. You hurt y/n! I mean, she offered to leave so you could teach, she defended you but no, you got started fucking someone else. Y/n has been there for me since I first came here. J don't have many friends and I hate seeing her upset. You are both horrible and I hate you!"

She storms out the room to find you crying. She hugs you and you cuddle into her.
"Thanks Brittany for doing that."
"That's ok, they deserved it. Now shall we go ring Nikolaj?"
You nod.

The phone call.

N: Hey y/n what's up?
B: Hey this is one of her students. Can you come?
N:Why is she ok?
B: Physically yes. Mentally no.
N: What happened?
B: I'll explain later. I'll meet you outside the school.
N: Ok
B: you won't miss me, I have purple hair!
N: Thanks, I'll be there in 20

End of call

There was then a knock at the door. It was Gwendoline.
Brittany tried to shut the door but the stately sequoia tree had other ideas.
She barges in and starts to yell.


You ignore her.

"For your information, Ms Christie, y/n didn't know, I ran off from here. I hate to see my best friend hurt!"

"But how do i know you don't have crush on her?"

"Because she's my adopted mother!! My parents hated me and when I came here, y/n was so kind and motherly. She treated me like a daughter and I asked her to adopt me and she agreed!"

"You have a kid!?" She yells looking back at you.

"Yes. I was going to tell you. Why do you think I'm so close to her? And you think you did nothing. I walk into MY DORM to find you snogging the headmistress!
Anyways leave now and Brittany go to the front!"
Brittany leaves but Gwendoline stays.

"Go Gwendoline!"
"Because I love you!"
"Well I don't. You are just a coworker."

She storms out and Brittany arrives with Nikolaj.
"What's wrong y/n?" He runs up to you, hugging you.
"It's Gwendoline!" You start to cry.
"What about Gwendoline!?"
" I caught her and the headmistress making out after I'd just told her I loved her last night!" By this time you were sobbing.
"THAT FUCKING BITCH! NO ONE HURTS MY Y/N!" he yells storming out the room.
Brittany follows directing him to Gwendoline's room.

You follow knowing he's gonna do something.
He tries to open the door but it's locked.
You found a key in your pocket and he barges in.

You find Gwendoline handcuffed to the bed with her mouth duct taped shut.
You could hear muffled screams and you run and ripped the duct tape off her mouth.
Suddenly you see Carla appear from the bathroom in lingerie, smirking.

Nikolaj runs to her and shoves her against the wall and he punches her. She collapsed, unconscious.

You see Gwendoline crying and refrain from hugging her.

"What did she do to you?" You ask timidly
"You won't believe me!"
"Please tell me!' You whisper.

Nikolaj and Brittany were stood there with their arms folded.

"She came in while you were with Brittany and told me that I could only keep my job if I kissed her. I tried to stop her but she was to strong!"

"Suree," Nikolaj says rolling his eyes.

Then Carla wakes up.
You run over and grab her neck.
"Did you hurt Gwendoline you bitch?" You yell choking her.
"Ok fine, I wanted her!" She spluttered out.
"Is this true?" Nikolaj says, walking up behind her.
"Yes now let me go!" You do and she runs, leaving a key on the side.

You grab the key and try the handcuffs. It worked.

"Gwendoline! I'm so sorry!" You say hugging her.
"No it's ok y/n, you did nothing! I don't mind if you don't forgive me!" She says in tears.

"No, no, no. You did nothing, it's all Carla!"
Nikolaj walked over and joined your hug.

"Wait how do you know Nikolaj, I never asked. I just assumed you were friends!" She asks.
"He's my cousin!" You say
"Yeah our fathers are twin brothers!" Nikolaj continued.
"Hang on, where Brittany?" You ask
"She's ringing the police, she recorded Carla's confession!" Nikolaj says.

You hug him tightly.

"I love you y/n!" He says
"As do I," Gwendoline adds
"I love you both too!" You hug them

Nikolaj goes to leave, letting you and Gwendoline have a moment.

"I'm so sorry she hurt you honey, I wish you told me when you barged into Brittany's room!" You cry
"Carla made me promise not to tell anyone. I was so scared. I was so happy to see Nikolaj and you earlier!" She starts to cry.

You pull her in close, kissing her head softly.
"I will love you forever Gwendoline!"
"I love you too!"

"Hey, I just got a role in a new film and I need a love interest! Wanna be coworkers twice?" You chuckle.
"More than coworkers?" She smiles
"Yes, my Gwendoline," and you kiss her deeply.

1464 words

I'm so sorry guys this is a rollercoaster. So many plot twists! But this has turned into more of a story!
Anyways I'm so sorry again and stay healthy 🫶❤️🫶❤️

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