-1- starting points

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[the starting points]

Freen's Pov

" Fuck that marriage. It will never happen. " I shouted.

" You better do it, the dad of their family have the greatest debt in us. And we only thought one thing for them to stop them from paying. It's just a marriage, Freen. Nothing more nothing less. " Dad explained.

" So what?! I don't care about any debt they had, let them pay it. Don't use me for that. Look, i don't even know who's i'm gonna marry, Later i'm gonna see it's a guy? You know i'm not into guys, right? " I answered.

" I told you, she's a girl. And don't worry, you don't have to treat her as your wife literally. " Dad said.

" Whatever, i said i don't want to. " I replied and walked upstairs.

I took my things before leaving the house. I went to school and entered, I still can't really figure out why among the many people who can be married to what dad wants, why me? First of all, I don't want to get married, Second, I'm not ready for married life and having a family, Third, I want to have fun without limits. It's a good life.

"brooooo, how are you?" Heng called to me as he put his arm around my shoulder, I immediately took it off because I was still annoyed.

"Please, not now, I'm begging you Heng." I said as I walked away.

"Why? What happened? It's your fault Noey. What did you do to her?" Heng blamed Noey while still following me.

"Are you a stupid animal? You're blaming me, I'm not doing anything, you dumb bitch." Noey defended herself.

" True, just let it go, that person is really dumb. " Irin answered.

" What did you say? Fucking repeat it- "

" Heng. " I called him once again to stop them.

" What? These people insults me again. " He replied.

" Just stop. " I answered.

" Drop it already. " Noey said.

" But pls tell us what happened first. " Irin begged Freen.

" Fine, I'm in a Force Marriage right now. "

" WHAT?!! " the three of them yelled.

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