-27- Another Slayed Party: Promenade

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[another slayed party: Promenade)

Freen's pov

I walked into the room and Becky followed behind.

"Honey, don't be mad. I'm not hurting you, you're too mad." She said with a backhug

"You know a lot, take your hands off." I insisted.

"okay, take care of your life, I'm going to sleep." She said as she laid down, THE FUCKKK??? IS SHE DRY LIKE THIS? GREAT.

"HEY WAKE UP." I said with a pat.

"I don't want it, Freen. It's up to you, you can handle it yourself, you're a big girl." She said and laughed a little.

" Stupid creature?! are you funny? Get up there, is that how you get dry when someone sulks? Do you sleep?" I asked annoyed.

"Because I know I didn't do anything wrong, why am I a gonna say sorry?" She asked.

"Of course you did something. You admit it." I said, but no one answered.

"Bec?" I called but there was nothing.

" BECKY. " I repeated but nothing, I didn't feel any movement.

" REBECCA. " I said at the same time removing the covering blanket from her. And I saw that she was sleeping, DID SHE JUST SLEEP?!!



I'm now stirring my coffee, and it's saturday. No classes. But, The Promenade is today. So excited. I was sipping my coffee when someone called my name.

" FREEN. " some sort of shit.

" The fuck. My tongue got heated up because of you. Fuck fuck fuck. " I said as i hold my tongue.

" Sorry not sorry. But have you find a dress already for the prom? " She asked.

" No. And i'm not gonna wear a fucking dress okay????? Shut it. " I insisted.

" I don't have any dress for the night. I guess i'm not going then. " She whispered the last sentence.

" Who says? " I asked.

" Huh? "

" Who says you're not gonna go? " I asked.

" Me. " She shortly replied.

" And why??? "

" I don't have any dress. " she answered.

" That's it??? " i replied.

" The theme is red, and i don't have any cocktail dress, gown, or slits that is red. So i'm not going. Because i don't have any dress to wear. More detailed? Okay? " She sarcastically responded.

" You're going. "


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