-24- Welcome back party (pt. 1)

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[welcome back party]

Freen's pov

I walked downstairs, i'm ready to off to school, i walked towards the kitchen and i saw becky, trying to reach the thing in the higher drawer.

" the fuck are you doing? " I asked.

" I couldn't reach the cereal milk, it's in the higher place. " She frowned like a kid.

" Next time use the chair. " I said and drink the water that i poured in my glass.

" okayyy " she replied and was about to get the chair. I blocked the chair with my legs.

" what- why? " She asked.

" You're really going to get it, aren't you? " I said.

" ofcourse, that's what you said? " She responded innocently.

" argh, fine, let me get it for you. " I just said and walked towards the counter. I get the cereal milk and gave it to her.

" My mind change, don't use any chair to reach those things. " I said, while she's pouring the milk.

" why? "

" You might fell, and what if no one was here to catch you? What if i'm not around? " I answered. I saw her smile a little while doing her thing. Why? Did i said something funny?


Becky's pov

What the fuck did i just heard? Does it mean she cares for me?

" You really care about me, aren't you? " I teased her.

" No. It's just tall people are living in this house that's why we have higher drawers, and you better take care for reaching things, stupids and fools aren't allowed. " my smile dropped when she said it. I frowned and grabbed my bags.

" Where you going? " She asked.

" School, bye. " I said, upset.

The fucking right? To tell that stupids and fools aren't allowed, it hurts.

" We're gonna go to school tho. " She said and followed me outside.

" I'm not gonna go with you. " I replied and walked.

" Okay fine bye. " She said and hopped in her car. I ignored her and still continued to walk. Until i'm on the half of the highway, i remember something, The cereal... The fucking cEREALLL??!?!!!


Freen's pov

It's breaktime and i'm at this canteen, waiting for my friends until i heard someone shouting my name.

" FREEEEEEEEEEEEN!!! " i looked with a frowned and saw my 4 idiots running towards me.

" What the fuck do you want? " I asked.

" ...you're.. not.. gonna- believe what.. i was..  " nam said running out of breath.

" slow down tiger, fuck it. " Heng said.


" what is it? "

" GUESS WHAT! " -noey

" just tell it. " I said.

" argh, there's no excitement, anyways, Toey is coming backkkkkk! " Irin said.

" Toey? " I asked puzzled.

" Toeyyy, baitoeyyyy. She's in U.S right? And now she's coming backkkk we can't waitttt. " Noey answered.

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